Denied (Organization XIII)Roxas's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by (Organization XIII), Jul 16, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    (Organization XIII) Roxas!
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:

    Why you should be unbanned:
    I think i was banned for ghosting? I dont really know. But what happened i was a detective and I told a player previous round "Imma buy t" and he said "Im goign to kos you than" And than the next round i was a detective, so JOKINGLY i pm'd him saying "I am a T :3" and he was beside me when i pm'd him, so he kos'd me and i said dude im a Detective, and he said "IDC" So i killed him for the FALSE KOS, and apparently i ghosted him by telling him info that wasnt true and he knew it wasnt true! And than i got banned. about 5 hours later or something idrk.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    It was a joke and the player knew it was.​
  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    You were banned by @Salisian for a number of problems regarding Trolling, repeated cases of harassment and mic spam. This appears to be globalized by him.

    He will reply when he can. Thank you for your patience.
  3. Okay and @Salisian could you explain to me how i harassed recent, or mic spammed recently? cause i haven't down either since i was banned for mic spam and harassment. so please give proof of my "Harassment and mic spamming" please and thank you
  4. Also i dont ever recall being reported for "harassment" since i was banned i think a couple months ago or last month, and i havent mic spammed since i was banned 2 weeks ago, so i dont understand why i am banned for those 2 things, and i trolled once, as a joke he knew it, and i understand i shouldn't have, i messed up his game time, and i apologize for that. i just want to know why i am also banned for "Mic spam, and harassment"
  5. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    If the current offense was a joke, and you and he knew exactly what was going down, you should not have shot him. The tone of his report was clear- he didn't like that you'd shot him, so apparently he wasn't in on whatever joke you thought you were having with him.

    As for the global, this is why.


    It's not just specific instances either, it's that you've been pushing the limits of our tolerance for months now, and these just happen to be the cases in which someone has had enough. Every time I've staffed with you on, you're extremely pushy about reports- you ask or demand answers about every single report that gets filed on the server (even when you're not involved,) you tell us when we should be muting, you tell us how to moderate, even up to the point of spamming adminchat at times. I'm not sharing everything other mods have said about you, but let's say that you've given your fair share of annoyance. Due to the lesser severity of the current offense, I only issued a two week ban (as opposed to my usual four-week for a first time trolling global) to let you know that we're serious about this sort of thing. You need to stop trolling.

    I know you can be a better person than this.
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