Approved Nui Harime's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Nui Harime, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Nui Harime
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I got a RDM report from someone i killed. The reason i killed him was because i was with a d and from a distance i saw a guy shooting at us. I caught his name and shot. He was on the roof of a building so i ran to it and went on top. He wasn't there, so i looked at all the bodies on the ground. Couple seconds later a guy came up the ladder onto the roof i was on. I looked at his name and it was the same guy that shot at me a minute earlier. So i shot and killed him. Then the next round I was about to tell him my reason for killing him when my internet went out. After my internet came back, I went into the server and greeted with a 5 day ban.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    You were banned by @YesyesNena :P for your first RDM & Leave offense. She will respond at her earliest convenience.
  3. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    Hello Nui Harime,

    The reason I banned you not because of you killed the T , it was because you threw a frag nade and killed an innocent at round 5,and left the game, there were 2 reports on you so you only replied one of them.
    Let me show you the damage log for more infos,
    Nui Harime [innocent] threw a Frag Grenade
    Nui Harime [innocent] has damaged Bosphorus [innocent] for 245 damages with an explosion
    Nui Harime
    [innocent] has killed Bosphorus [innocent] with an explosion

    Considering your internet went out after that round (round 6 , it was headshot war too) , so appeal approved now I will unban you and all you need to do is come back and take the slay , I hope you have a nice day and enjoy playing in our server !

    Since you are new to our servers , if next time you get banned in one of our server, note that most of the ban are not global and you can play on our other servers , here's the ip of all our servers :

    West :
    West 2 :
    East :
    East 2 :
    Vanilla :

    Best regards ,
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