Approved NSK | Illuminati Doritos's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by NSK | Illuminati Doritos, Oct 10, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    [NSK] Illuminati ☠
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I didnt know if i rdmed or not and i left not knowing whether i did, I tried and join later on and it says banned for 14 days i have had past offences i can admit to but this one i did not know of
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Looks like you were actually banned by @MyriadOfChaos for RDM and Leave Second Offense! And the ban was on our EU server, not Vanilla I'm afraid. Please be patient as Myriad responds with his evidence! In the meantime feel free to play on our other servers as you wait as your ban is local!
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  3. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    Hi there @NSK | Illuminati Doritos Thanks for taking the time to appeal your ban. Indeed i did ban you on EU for RDM and Leave Second offense. On Round 5 of Mineshaft you were reported and due to the flood of reports i was dealing with i missed a couple of reports. While looking at other reports i noticed you threw a discombob for absolutely no reason 18 seconds into the round pushing a player into a pool of Lava causing them to take damage. Before i could report you or get a screenshot of the damage to the player, the map had already changed and i was unable to view the old logs.

    When the map changed to Haven i was busy issuing a few slays and when i got to yours i noticed that you were not in game. I waited a full round for you to return and because you never did i issued the ban. I understand you may not have known what you did, or that you were getting slain for it, but i had just finished my Trial training and was still getting used to all the commands and wanted to make sure any slays i issued were valid. Now i may not have screenshots of the damage you caused on a player, i do have the shot from the report i noticed you throw the grenade in.

    I know that it very well could have been due to me still getting used to all the commands that you left thinking you did not RDM someone. But a simple solution to this is typing in admin chat and asking if your clear to leave before heading off our servers. I would gladly unban you and have you serve the slay, though the ban will not be voided so the next time this happens it will be counted as your third offense. If you can just let me know when you would be able to serve the slay, then someone can unban you and help you out. Im currently getting ready for work and will not be home for roughly 10 hours, so if you can hop on before then just message a staff member on the forums and let them know of your appeal and everything will be sorted out.

    Thank you for your time and i do hope your having a good day!
  4. i can be slain now or tommorow i cant on weekdays i have school and i dont play as often
  5. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    Ill be home in roughly 5 hours as I am at work right now. Feel free to add me on Steam and when I get home I can unban you and have you serve your slay.
  6. Okay Im coming now if u can?
  7. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    Player has served their slay in-game and this appeal has been APPROVED!
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