Denied nightmare667711's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by nightmare667711, Oct 14, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I believe I should be unbanned because I have done nothing wrong that I know of... I just logged off yesterday after many rounds then try to logon the server today and it says I am banned for 5 days.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I was playing on East server for a while last night. Was slain 2 rounds because supposedly you aren't allowed to kill people when the bathrooms are being flooded even though they are going to die anyway. So I stayed for the slays and played some more without any rdm that I know of. Some rounds were traitor rounds and some were innocent rounds. After a good round I decided to be done for the night and logged off. I then try to logon today and it says I am banned for 5 days. I am not sure why, but it would be nice to have an explanation at least. Thank you for your time.​
  2. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    Hey there @nightmare667711 , you were banned by @Darktooth last night for RDM & Leave 1st Offense as seen below
    10/13/14 07:48PM[ELITE]nightmare667711STEAM_0:1:30430968RDM & Leave - 1st10/18/14 07:48PMEastDarktooth

    From what I remember, you had thrown a frag or three outside of the T room in the basement of innocent motel, and nicked one of your T-Buddies with it. Needless to say, they reported you and you gracefully accepted your slay. I was handling your report, and told Darktooth via teamspeak that you wanted to be slain for this, he obliged. To my own surprise, and his a bit as well, you had left either before or during your slay round. I didn't snag any screenshots of the incident due to my assumption that I'd have thought you'd stay in the server. Needless to say, Darktooth will respond at his earliest convenience, and you can still play on the other 4 servers if you so wish. Make sure to stay for the full duration of the slay so you won't receive another ban, and ask staff if you're clear to go if you're unsure. Hope you have an amazing day!
  3. Oh wow... I didn't even realize. I guess it was my own stupidity... I have horrible short term memory. But now I do remember killing a t buddy with a nade on accident, dont remember being reported for it. Oh well, my fault anyway. Thanks for the explanation @Euphanic! Much appreciated.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
  4. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    Plenty welcome, I'm sure he'll unban you and request you to serve a slay in-game. Thanks for understanding, and have a great day!
  5. @Euphanic Thanks. Have a great day yourself. Such a kind and professional mod :).
  6. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Hey @nightmare667711. I'm currently away from my laptop, so please give me a bit of time to get home and sort this appeal out! Thank you so much for your patience, and thank you @Euphanic for handling this so well.
  7. No problem @Darktooth. I'm still on campus in a lecture anyway. Thank you for your time.
  8. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP


    This was the report you were slain for. You acknowledged that it was your mistake, and you took the slay, but left shortly afterwards. If you would like, you may add me on Steam by clicking the steam icon under my avatar, and we can work out you serving a slay in-game.

    Let me know what you'd like.

    Darktooth <3
  9. @Darktooth Ok I tried adding you on steam last night but every time I tried it said their was an error adding the player. So tonight I will restart my steam and try again. Just very busy this week.
  10. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Is it possible you can come onto one of the servers now? I can simply issue the slay myself.
  11. @Sinz I can't at the moment. I am in a lecture on campus and didn't bring my laptop. I'll be home in 5 hours if you still have free time then to slay me.
  12. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Any staff member may issue the slay and approve this appeal with my permission. However, I will be around later tonight to issue the slay.
  13. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    I still have not seen you make an effort to serve your slay. Your ban expires tomorrow. If you don't serve a slay in-game in the next 24 hours, the ban will expire and will not be voided from your record.
  14. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    You have made no attempt in appealing your ban. Your ban has expired, and will not be voided.

    Appeal denied. Thread locked.
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