New Rule Against Blocking

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Vivacious, May 1, 2014.


Should there be a rule against blocking?

  1. Yes.

    3 vote(s)
  2. No.

    17 vote(s)
  1. Vivacious

    Vivacious Active Member

    I have seen people blocking someone and causing them to die because of it. This mostly occurs on the map TerrorTrain, Island_2013, and, sometimes, Dolls. But, it does occur on other maps as well.

    On TerrorTrain, there is a section on the lower part of the second cart from the front of the train where a big metal door opens and closes in the kitchen/freezer room. If a player picks up a prop with the magneto stick and stands in front of the door while in the freezer room, another player will try to force his way into the room. While that player is struggling to get into the room, the door closes and kills him.

    On Island, there is an elevator in the lighthouse that can take players up and down the tower. I have seen players (who turn out to be innocent and were able to move away to free the player) block the player in the elevator from leaving and press the button making the elevator go up (or down) causing the player to be crashed or killed. Sometimes, unidentified bodies will fall to the bottom of the tower and players will go and ID it only to get trap by other players and crashed.

    It is somewhat uncommon for this to occur on Dolls, but I have seen it happen. A player can simply stand at the top of the ladders and another player will begin climbing and once he gets to the top, instead of getting onto the platform where the ladder ends, he shoots up and (because ladders are simply dreadful in gmod) is unable to attach to the ladder again and falls to his death.

    I do understand that blocking is a difficult matter to distinguish between purposeful or accidental blocking and, also, you have to be watching out for that constantly, but it has been a problem for quite a while and I feel that either a rule should be added to the rules page or at least added to the staff rules under RDM. Maybe even allow the player being trapped (only if the player is at the bottom of the tower on Island_2013 and there isn't a mass of people blocking each other) to kill the person trapping them?
    • Dumb Dumb x 6
  2. stormcreator

    stormcreator I am The Flying Wombat. Kythol is the bae. <3 VIP

    If are being blocked and in immediate danger as a result. You have every right to kill the person blocking you.
  3. You could tell the staff member online to either teleport you if your being blocked or teleport the person blocking
  4. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    If a person blocks you can causes your death, as long as there is sufficient proof (staff member saw, blocking person admits to it, or you took a screenshot/video) then that person should get slain.
  5. Vivacious

    Vivacious Active Member

    How often do you see the player being trapped kill the person trapping them? Even if they did, they usually get killed for doing so. What is the point then if they die either way. Plus, it isn't explained at all in the rules.

    I've always asked to be teleported when I'm being blocked and I have never been teleported. Plus, it isn't everyone's first reaction to ask for a tp. The player ends up dying before he is teleported.

    Well, what if the staff member didn't see it, the person doesn't admit to it (I mean really who is going to admit to that? A slay to a lot of people is the worst thing that could happen to them besides a ban), and/or you don't screenshot/record the incident?

    This is why there should be some clarification about blocking and when you can kill the person trapping you.
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  6. stormcreator

    stormcreator I am The Flying Wombat. Kythol is the bae. <3 VIP

    "This is why there should be some clarification about blocking and when you can kill the person trapping you."

    "If are being blocked and in immediate danger as a result. You have every right to kill the person blocking you."

    It's common sense. Also if a staff member didn't see it then ot is word v word.
  7. Vivacious

    Vivacious Active Member

    Is it really? How so? Elaborate for me because clearly I must not understand you. By your logic, if I am being trapped in a room by someone who is standing in the doorway, (which is the only way out) I could kill him. But, obviously I can't do that because that would be RDM.

    But, if I'm at the bottom of the tower and being blocked by a player, I kill him and play until I die or till the end of the round and a report pops up from the person I killed for blocking me. I say that he was blocking me and I was about to die, but because the mod reading the report has only logs of me killing him without being provoked and didn't see him blocking me, I get slain.

    I have had that happened to me before which is why I am making this thread.
  8. TheTrueCatMan

    TheTrueCatMan I am the one who knock knocks. VIP

    There is a rule that was specifically added for island for that reason. If a player traps you in the elevator while it is coming down, you are able to kill them.
    If they are cought trapping someone there as an inno then they can be slain.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Also, in the event of a word vs word situation, the staff cannot do things. Our staff members need to consider all aspects of a report; not just logs.
  10. Vivacious

    Vivacious Active Member

    Is there? I don't see it in server rules? I'm assuming it's under staff rules?

    Anyways, I want to make a point by saying that this isn't just for us (the dedicated players) but more so for the new players that join the server and end up getting blocked and killed. Maybe should have stated that earlier in the thread.

    Of course. But, in the situation I stated before, the mod was viewing other reports (I assumed so since he was dishing out quite a bit of slays if I remember correctly) and, once the next round began, I was being slain for killing that dude. He obviously didn't see it because he was working on reports so the only thing I can think of is that he looked at the logs and saw that it was blatant RDM.

    I should have reported the mod at the time but I was rather new to the server and didn't understand the rules as well.
  11. I have been slain many times for killing the person that is trapping me or blocking me in a space..
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Well if you put it in your note where they were blocking you, then you could have avoided this. You cannot kill for just basic blocking.

    To break it down:
    Island 2013 you can kill someone for blocking you in a descending elevator.

    67th way you cannot kill for blocking in the water trap, because it is a "random" event that does not leave enough time for a blocker to move; you can, however, call a KOS on the blocker if they blocked you in there before it was activated.

    Any map you can kill a blocker if they are blocking you in a single exit room and you are subject to dying from a C4 blast.

    Keep in mind that you can ask to be teleported in admin chat and you can push them with your crowbar. To kill you must have some kind of impending doom.

  13. Basically it was this: I was in that room at the end of the hallway in the basement of 67th way with the dropdown from the jail break room. I was blocked in the room by a guy who would not move. he was sitting there with a shotgun in my face and i was strafing back and forth. I warned him like 10 times to move. Then i shot him in the foot with a huge and he shot at me so myself and the Detective killed him. I was then slain for rdm
  14. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Perfectly legit slay you shot him for blocking when you werent in any danger.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Vivacious

    Vivacious Active Member

    Why? All I am trying to do is make a point. Blocking isn't clarified in the rules so many players (mostly new) get blocked by innocents messing around and die because of it.
  16. Coconut Head

    Coconut Head Member

    By the way, I don't find it fair that people without mic has to type when they're being blocked. I mean, you're literally giving the person 3 seconds to kill you while you ask for a teleport that might or might not come
  17. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    If they block you and get you KILLED by natural causes (bricks falling ontop of you/Door crushing you/have you flown out of map because somebody blocked the ladder. you can get them slay for it IF you have a video evidence OR they owned up by themself (Please note that some people are douchebags, doing thing without owning up).
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  18. Vivacious

    Vivacious Active Member

    How many people are recording whenever they join a new server they have never been on? How many people who are recording would take the time to compress the video, upload to youtube, and post it on the forums just to get someone slain? How many people actually confess to RDM?

    There are too many complications that happen when blocking occurs for there not to be any clarifications in the rules about blocking.
  19. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If anyone is being trapped, they should be using admin chat to contact the admins for a TP.
  20. Vivacious

    Vivacious Active Member

    The person who is blocking is usually someone who knows the map well and isn't a complete idiot. The people I have seen blocking don't do it consecutively. They do it at random points during the map so it goes unnoticed by many mods/admins.

    If the mods/admins only based their slays on logs, there would be no one playing the servers because anyone who isn't a traitor or detective kills an innocent would be slain based on just the logs and nothing else. Just like MangoTango said in the thread earlier: