New Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Meowland, Oct 5, 2013.

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  1. Meowland

    Meowland Banned

    Your In Game Nickname:Who's Magafe?
    Your Steam ID: I didn't know where else to get it at sorry

    Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned because I re logged at 4:07 i think and i was banned for "mass rdm" and all i did was kill cupcake with a prop and didnt mean too and he slayed me and ate the slay and waited for the round to be over.
    Evidence of innocence:
    I have no Evidence because my game crashed so i lost all of my logs
  2. Meowland

    Meowland Banned

    Found the reason why i was banned but it said 12:15pm and i was banned at 4pm 10/05/13 12:15PM Who's Magafe? STEAM_0:1:53737484 mass rdm EAST 10/06/13 12:15PM Gristle McThornbody and i did no mass rdm
  3. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Gristle will respond shortly, while the time passes you are able to play on our west server.
  4. Meowland

    Meowland Banned

    Thank you somebody responds all hail asty
  5. Gristle McThornbody

    Gristle McThornbody Active Member

    Hey there - I'm looking for the saved damage log, but I believe I can recall the incident in question. I believe it was the Italy map and you killed two innos and damaged 3 with a crowbar. There was also an rdm report from the traitor that you had killed with not enough evidence.

    Didn't you chat one of the other mods right after the ban?
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