Denied MY UNCLE FUCKED ME's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by MY UNCLE, May 31, 2015.

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    MY UNCLE New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was on the server last night when I was making fun of moderator behavior in GMOD (I didn't mean it towards this server) and I made a joke about mods gagging people they don't like and using mic spam as an excuse. Just as I finished a sentence, I get banned for 8 hours for "Mic Spam" (which is reallllllly ironic, especially because I was talking normally, not spamming) So I thought, whatever. I go to get on today, and I'm banned for 56 days? What the hell? My 8 hour ban was unjust as it is (because I wasn't even gagged or muted by the mods online during the whole half hour I was making jokes) but my ban got extended when i couldn't even get on the server?
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    @Nena issued a ban to you for mic spamming and it was globalized/extended due to your history.

    And I'm going to be honest here, I do not see it going anywhere.
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    I'm going to quick and frank with this appeal.

    You kept on spamming constantly and acting like you were a moderator of the community. You also have quite the history of bans within 2 months of you joining the server. I banned you because you kept on spamming constantly about you being a moderator (which is not true) and how you were going to "gag" when players were going to spam. This caused a lot of unnecessary problems on the servers. @Ravin and @Red are my witnesses to this event. After I banned you, @Nena chose to extend your ban. As for you not being "gagged or muted", Ravin and I clearly gagged you multiple times and warned you to stop.

    Don't expect me to accept your appeal. You should use these 2 months to shape up and change your negative attitude. Have a good day and I'll see you in 2 months.

    Your appeal will be locked at your acknowledgement.

    Sincerely, Guilty

  4. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    For the sake of this report. Yes, I did warn you for mic spam. You continued to "Warn" Players when I had warned Chug for harassment on staff. You began to repeatedly troll and spam your mic. When I did gag you the first time, you then said in chat. "Hahahahahahaahahahaha" Repeatedly. Guilty then issued the second gag, which lasted a round for the same thing. The final nail on your coffin was when you continued to warn people pretending to be a Mod when we were dealing with reports. @Red was also with us in this case and we all concluded it was best to now ban you because you would not stop spamming your mic and falsely warning players and trolling.

    As Guilty stated, Denied.
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