Denied MrMunkay514™'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by MrMunkay514™, Aug 16, 2015.

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  1. MrMunkay514™

    MrMunkay514™ better than ryan (especially at payday) VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    i t bate by shooting the air i do this when the t is taking to long or i have always been inno and when people shoot me i kill them somtimes. but its there choice if they kill me or not i dont do it just for fun to kill and i know i most likley wont be unbanned since @ bearcore dosnt like me
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    Gonna let @Sir Lemoncakes respond to this since he banned you for Loopholing.
  3. MrMunkay514™

    MrMunkay514™ better than ryan (especially at payday) VIP

    Also @Rozboon was with me when i was banned
  4. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Will properly tag this. You were banned by @Beard Core upon request which was globalized by @Sir Lemoncakes . As I provided some input, I will also be weighing in on this appeal.

    Thank you for your patience.
  5. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Going to go ahead and tag @Beard Core to this appeal. I banned you for regularly and maliciously T-baiting in order to cause havoc, kill players, and start RDM chains. (as this was so often the case) Beard Core came to me and showed me two demos of this behavior and testified that you had been exhibiting that behavior most of the day. Considering you just came off of a trolling ban from @Nena, I decided to give you a couple weeks to reflect on your gameplay choices and decide if you play this game because you enjoy TTT, or because you like trolling and upsetting other players.

    Keep in mind, I would not have issued a ban for this without your extensive ban history and constant behavior.
  6. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Hello @MrMunkay514™ As Sir Lemon said above, Nena had banned you globally upon my request for Trolling/Toxic behavour in the recent past.


    As you can see in your report filed against you here you were directly warned to not to continue such behaviors as it could result in further punishment. @Beard Core directly approached me about a situation of you doing the exact thing you were warned to stop doing. After reviewing it we approached Sir Lemon and explained the situation.

    I would advise heavily on my peer to deny this appeal. You have not heeded my warnings and continue to do exactly what staff have been telling you that you should not be doing.
  7. MrMunkay514™

    MrMunkay514™ better than ryan (especially at payday) VIP

    @Sir Lemoncakes i play this server for i think this is one of the best servers out there i dont bean to cause rdm chains of that matter as i stated in my appel i get bored and shoot the air
  8. MrMunkay514™

    MrMunkay514™ better than ryan (especially at payday) VIP

    i dont even care if get i unabanned i would be happy with any thing then a global ban
  9. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    I had to record this

    Also i believe @Beard Core was on duty at the time. Boy. Did he want to show you his recording too!

    Edit: Thank you beard for clearing this up, also munkay. I am not amused.
  10. Beard Core

    Beard Core The Great And Powerful Beard VIP

    Hello MrMunkay and I'm sorry to meet you again on the forums for loopholing.
    You just finished a 5 day global ban for this report I had filed against you when I was a regular member.
    Report Link
    In this report you were banned for doing this exact thing. T-Baiting and killing players "for fun" as you put it.
    This is the appeal you made for that 5 day global ban.
    Appeal Link
    It was explained that with your past record and behavior it was deemed you needed a time-out for Trolling/Loopholing.
    Right after returning from this global ban I did not see an improvement in your behavior and decided to record you on occasion. Today I happened to go to west 2 in order to watch you, since I witnessed you T-baiting and killing players in Vanilla earlier today.
    On 67th Way you claimed you were a traitor then innocent right after, this is a common thing you do to get people to attempt to kill you or kos you.
    67th Way Demo
    After this the map changed to dolls where on the first round you T-Baited again, then killed a person who heard you commit this traitorous act without him shooting at all because he had kos'd you.
    Dolls Demo
    Dolls Youtube

    Trolling/Loopholing every time you play is not acceptable and must stop. Please reflect on your behavior and try to change your attitude while playing on the servers. Appeal Denied.
  11. MrMunkay514™

    MrMunkay514™ better than ryan (especially at payday) VIP

    so this be deined i guess?
  12. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Ban appeal denied.
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