Denied Mr_Fabulous's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Mr_Fabulous, Aug 26, 2015.

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  1. Mr_Fabulous

    Mr_Fabulous New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Haruka is a mod, he RDMd people multiple times without getting slain while Blue core protected him saying he couldn't find any info on the RDMs, even though multiple people had reported him including myself. I revenge RDM (Which was wrong I know) and I get banned for RDM & harassment. Embarrassing. As well as this I have a screenshot of haruka saying he hacks. Please remove him as MOD abusing his privileges & stop him from ruining the server, also an unban would be nice.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    You were banned by @BlueCore for 'Intentional RDM and Harassment'

    He'll respond when he can.
  3. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Hello Mr Fabulous,

    Thank you for taking the time to write this Appeal, as you are aware not too long ago I had Banned you on the EU Vanilla server for an Intentional RDM and Harassment. Before going into the bulk of this message I would like to thank you for being so honest in your Appeal, and are aware that your actions for revenge RDMing were wrong.

    Firstly, you, as well as several other players, Reported Haruka during Round 6 on the map Minecraft_b5 as he had killed yourselves for what may have seemed like no reason. However, after looking at the Damage Logs and talking to Haruka privately, it seems that every player he killed, he had legitimate reason to. Please note that there were three Reports filed against Haruka during this Round, the first two Reports can be viewed below. The last Report had nothing to do with the main incident that occurred right at the end of the round; where he had killed you.


    Firstly, with your Report, as Haruka did not have enough time to respond to the Reports between Intermission and Map change, I had to go over with him during the start of the next Map why he had killed you. Haruka claimed to have killed you on the grounds that you called a KOS on him for firing his weapon and damaging players. The Damage Logs show that 60 seconds prior to him killing you Haruka has been firing his AK47 and killing a couple of players. From this, and your original message in the Report, I decided that this was not RDM and instead Invalid.

    The next Report occurred a little earlier during the incident, approximate 60 seconds prior to your death. After looking through the Damage Logs and talking with Haruka, it would seem that he killed this player for T-Baiting. The player had fired his weapon several times before Haruka had made an attempt to shoot and kill him. Because the player was indeed firing, Haruka had every right to kill him. Therefore, the kill against this player was a valid kill and not RDM.

    In summary, out of all three Reports filed against Haruka, none of them were found to be RDM. All of his kills had legitimate reasoning and he performed appropriately in all of the situations. Whilst you may have been unhappy that you got killed for what you thought was without a valid reason, I assure you that Haruka would have only killed you for a valid reason.

    I made sure to privately tell you when Map changed that all of the Reports against Haruka did not contain any RDM, and that they were Invalid. You insisted that he did RDM and needed to be punished for it. This lasted for several Rounds, kept building up rather than cooling down. At first I understood why you were upset, but then as the Rounds went past you started spamming in Adminchat and general chat that Haruka is RDMing and that he's a bad Moderator, and not only that but you were trying to get other players on your side and tell them to spam Adminchat and harass Haruka. This happened multiple times, and on two of these occasions I had to warn you privately to stop. The first time that I warned you you laughed over your microphone what I said and repeated it to everyone, then blatantly ignored my warnings.

    This in itself was already enough to have you Banned for Harassment, as I had to tell you multiple times to stop but you persisted and kept going, however, I decided to give you the benefit of doubt to see if you would calm down with time. Regrettably, as already mentioned, you did not. You kept getting more hostile and kept bringing up the incident of what you believed was RDM. In addition, during one of the Rounds you specifically told everyone that they should RDM because it was okay as a Moderator was doing it. This actually caused one or two other players to RDM; now, whilst it was completely their choice to RDM, and they were punished for it, you were the one that was trying to push everyone to do it.

    Of course, this was a big concern, as other players on the servers were now being effected by your actions and your aggression towards Haruka. Given this, I paid a very close eye on you and gave you your last warning to stop talking about the incident on last Map, which again you simply shrugged off. However, not long after this you decided to take the law into your own hands and kill Haruka, only for the fact that he RDMed in your eyes and got away freely from it. This can be seen below.


    Given this, I thought it necessary to instead of Slay you for One Round for One Count of RDM, it would be best to remove you from the servers temporarily for you to think about your actions and your behaviour. As such, I decided to issue you a 1 day Ban for your Intentional RDM and Harassment towards Haruka.

    It was disappointing that it came down to myself having to Ban you, but I feel that the Ban was issued appropriately and is needed for you to reflect on how to better your attitude when playing on our servers. Again, I understand why you were upset, when we believe we have been RDMed we all can get a little angry and frustrated. But please know that I tried to tell you many times that Haruka hadn't actually committed any RDMs during that period, and also know that I did try and warn you several times over the next Map to stop what you were saying and to calm down. If you had, this Ban may not have ever happened.

    Please look at the attached text below of a couple of examples of your messages and Harassment to Haruka, as well as a much more detailed Video recording of the events that occurred after the initial incident of the Reports against Haruka.


    The Video can be accessed HERE

    In conclusion, with everything that has been said, I am sadly going to be Denying your Appeal. Please know that your attitude towards Haruka, myself, and the server as a whole was not acceptable. I hope that taking this day away from the server will help calm down the situation and that tomorrow you can come back nice and fresh.

    Thank you again for taking the time to write this Appeal.

    Status: Denied
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