Denied Mr.WhiteSparkles's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by PhoonTheCookie, Nov 22, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Because 1 mod ban me for rdm 3.I got 24 hours ban next day ı joined server and ı got 70 days ban WTF is Wrong with this MODS RETARTED ?!!??
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    You were banned for 10 weeks by @C.A.Anna for:

    Mass RDM + History ( G&E'd by Guilty )

    I will also tag @Guilty as he was the one who globalized and extended your ban.

    Please be patient while they formulate a response.
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    @C.A.Anna approached me while we were on the server and asked me to globalize and extend your ban after you Mass RDMed again. She told me to check your history (aka adminstats) and when I did, you had quite a few number of bans within 2 months of gameplay. Your adminstats will be linked below. However, considering the sheer amount of bans you received in the short amount of time you've been in our community, I felt that your ban length deserved quite a bump. As a result, I used my discretion to extend your ban from the standard 1 day locally to 10 weeks globally. Anna will be the one to deal with your appeal and give the verdict to the appeal.

    While you do play only on the EU server, considering your history, I did not want to allow you to cause problems on the other SGMod servers due to your history and this is the reason why I also chose to globalize your ban.


    Until then, cheers!
    Sincerely, Guilty
  4. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Hello there Mr.WhiteSparkles,

    Thank you for taking the time to appeal your ban. I'm going to get straight into it.

    So I was staffing EU a couple of days ago and whilst you were on the server you managed to RDM 3 different people over 2 maps. The first two took place on mineshaft in round 5 and the third on the following map on round 4.

    For your first offense you threw a random discombobulator at the start of the round 5. This had then launched the player Asphyx into lava. This lava pit is the one situated under the T trap bridge which results in instant death when a player falls in. This was your response to the report that was filed against you at the start of that round.
    As you can see the player thought you used the trap as they landed in the lava however you had actually killed them via a nade. After issuing a slay on you, you proceeded to kick up a fuss, claiming that the slay was false. I took the time to explain to you about what you did wrong and how exactly the player died and although you were still not happy you didn't argue it further.

    During that same round, round 5, I was checking through the round logs for any unreported damage and I came across this.
    When I saw this I took the time to file a report on you as you can see in the following spoiler.
    So in this report you can see that you have two different reasons for killing him. Your first reason, for him "scoping" you, is not a valid reason to kill him. Just because someone has their gun aimed at you does not mean you have the right to kill them at all. This is technically killing on suspicion as you are suspicious of their aiming at you but this isn't a valid kill. You then also tag on that he was "trying to shoot" you. As you can see in the screenshot prior to this one, you are the only person who shoot their gun. Randomboy hadn't killed anyone prior to this either so in the end you killed him for absolutely no reason and even lied in the report. For this I issued a second slay onto you. You didn't kick up a fuss about this one and you served out both the slays.

    Fast forward to the next map. We are on b5 and things are quiet on your end for a couple of rounds. The first round of the map you are slain and the second round is a fun round. I don't have a report against you in round 3 but then round 4 is where the third offense occurs. This was the report filed against you.
    As you can see in my rush to screenshot this I didn't scroll down far enough to catch the actual act of RDM so I went back to old logs to get that for you which is seen in the following spoiler.
    It was 29 seconds into the round where you headshot and kill George. He had not done anything wrong, there had been no KOS called on him and you didn't take this report seriously at all. That kind of response "HEADSHOT M8" did not help you in the slightest and because this was your third offense, I followed protocol. I went to check your admin stats and saw what Guilty has already shown you. I of course have no right to ban you for anything more than 1 day so I did so and issued a 1 day ban. However, as @Guilty was on the server at the time I asked him to check your stats and to extend the ban if possible as he saw fit. He then extended the ban to 10 weeks.

    You may think that this extension is excessive but let me put some things into perspective for you. You joined the servers on the 15th of September. Since then you have accumulated 30 hours of game play on our servers and 10 bans. 10 bans in the span of a little over 2 months is extremely excessive. It indicates to me that you disregard our rules and decide to play your own way, which has now come at a cost. I see no reason to accept this appeal nor ask for Guilty to decrease the ban time. You show blatant disregard of the rules when playing and half the time don't take reports seriously. You lie to try and get out of slays, be it intentional or not lying is not okay, and when you get slays issued onto you, you argue them in a rather hostile way.

    So because of all that I have stated above, I will be denying this appeal. I honestly believe that this 10 week break will do you wonders. I suggest you go and read our rules and actually pay attention to them next time. Reflect on your actions and come back with a better attitude and we shall see you back on EU in 10 weeks. If you have an questions or concerns feel free to start a conversation with me on the forums.

    Thank you and take care,

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
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