Approved Mr. Lambert's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ridge, Nov 9, 2016.

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  1. ridge

    ridge VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:

    Why you should be unbanned:
    Have no clue what's going on.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Alright so I was playing a couple of weeks ago, and I got banned for "loopholing" However, it wasn't very long, and I haven't been on garry's mod for a minute.

    I own up to loopholing, but today I got on TTT to see if my ban would be over yet, and I see its there now for 90+ days...

    No clue what this is about considering the last time i seen it, it was like 20 something?

    If I can't get unbanned, can I at least get some information? Looked and see "racism, ban evasion" but have no clue whats up with that​
  2. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    You were banned by @Tinbuster00 and G&E by @C.A.Anna for Ban Evasion, Loopholing, Spam & Racism.
    Please wait for their response.
  3. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    As you already accept the action taken against you for Loopholing, @Tinbuster00 won't need to reply to this as it is all on myself for the extension on your ban.

    While I was staffing in the morning before work, I had a player on my server who was rather troublesome. They were spamming people with very racist comments and was brought to my attention by DexRusky who was on at the time. I asked him to send me a screenshot to which he said to wait so I did. In the mean time a fun round passed. At the start of the following round I got two messages from two different people, Dr. Strange and Nutty, both stating that you were spamming them again. I asked Nutty for a screenshot also so I could see just how bad it was as I was not receiving this PM's. The player then stated in chat "is there any niggers in here", to which I promptly acted as I was aware the player was already making racist comments in PM's. You can see that in the following screenshot.

    I was then sent the following two screenshots. The first from DexRusky for the spam messages earlier in the round, and the second from Nutty depicting the second time this occurred.
    From Dex
    From Nutty

    As you can see the PM's were completely disgusting. To not only use derogatory terms like that but to then tell player to get lynched is just completely unacceptable. As I was investigating this along with other reports I noticed this in the logs as well,
    Before I could report the player they had also already left, so with that in mind I went to check their stats to see what length of ban I should issue considering the plethora of rule breaking this player did.

    It was then I also decided to run an IP check on the players Steam ID and much to my surprise these results were what came back.
    You were a player that shared the same IP.

    Considering the ban history alone on the YUNG account being so extensive I could have issued a lengthier ban. That also paired with the active loopholing ban on your main account, your Mr. Lambert account, is why your initial 4 week loopholing ban is now a much more extensive one. The behaviour expressed on the YUNG account is a mirror image of the way you have behaved on your Mr. Lambert account which leaves no wiggle room for thinking that it could be anyone else but you. You have been here long enough to know the rules and for you to ban evade like this, it just doesn't fly with me. Because of all this I will be going ahead and denying this appeal. I will not be unbanning you for obvious reasons, but I also will not be reducing this newly extended ban at all either.

    Thank you and take care,

    After providing sufficient evidence that both accounts are used by two different people I'll be editing your ban so that it is back to its original length for your loopholing ban and will also change the length of the ban on YUNG's account to mirror that of what it should without ban evasion.

    Thank you so much for the co-operation! Your appeal has now been accepted and your ban will be returned back to a 4 week ban instead.

    Appeal: Accepted
    Thread: Locked
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
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