Mods should be able to refund RDM'd Traitor rounds.

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Sasha Rim, Nov 30, 2014.


Should mods be able to refund RDM'd T rounds?

  1. Implement this

  2. Leave it as is

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  1. Sasha Rim

    Sasha Rim New Member

    I think that one of the most unsatisfying things is when somebody RDM's you on a T round you've been waiting ages for, and they just have to sit out a turn and go eat a sandwich. I think if the mods decide you were, in fact, RDM'd on your T round, they should be able to give them a T round token of some sort.
  2. Taco_Rocket

    Taco_Rocket G-G-G-Godmin VIP

    Admins have the ability to refund a T round if you bought and you were RDM'd 30 seconds into the round.

    However, we are not going to give that ability from 8 people to 40. Because the process is heavily audited and if there is any trouble it will be bad.

    Also the amount of people that would request a refund for the smallest of things would be overwhelming.

    You have a 25% chance to become a traitor every given round. Sometimes you go down in glory sometimes you don't.

    If anything I might direct you to donating (if you like us enough), because you get discounts on buying traitor through the pointshop. I can buy a T round for 240 points instead of 600. It is one of the perks of donating!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Change-up

    Change-up "Change is coming" VIP

    Many mods like myself are generous enough to give you players points to buy a T round so you can enjoy the game. But, our points have been earned and not all of us have a lot, so we can't refund everyones t round.
  4. Sasha Rim

    Sasha Rim New Member

    Thanks for the replies, I see what you mean. Though I didn't know Admins could refund rounds. 8 people is a good balance for the cases that actually deserve refunding.
    • Agree Agree x 2