Denied MLGBarney's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by MLGBarney, Dec 28, 2015.

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  1. MLGBarney

    MLGBarney New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    cuz i been bullied
    Evidence of Innocence:
    yah anna freaking banned me cuz just one guy start bitching about i killed him on his t round and then she start reporting me for ANTHING oh why did u do 2 dmg to that guy why did u do 25dmg to this guys WHEN U HAVE A SHOTGUN and u try to kill the T and everyone jumping u will make accident and i didnt even kill one guy and she freaking banned me comon u know she just want to banned and emm wat we call that FUCKING ADMIN ABUSE SHE FREAKING WAS BULLING ME AROUND LIKE WTF.i just want to have fun but one guy was a T and right when the round start somone kill a guy next to him and he didnt react or look if his a T i was up in the tree looking the other guy run away he stay looking for somone to kill so i take a shoot he start yelling RDM RDM.i want to get unbanned NOW​
  2. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    You were banned by @C.A.Anna for Mass RDM x3, she will respond at her earliest convenience.
  3. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I've seen this. Please give me time to gather my evidence and to write up a response to this as I am currently staffing EU right now.
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I just want to add some things about @MLGBarney. On skycraft he false KOS'd me-thought I was sniping someone when I hadn't shot-and eventually admitted to it; he probably won't now that he has an open appeal. He also RDM'd @MagmaCarrier on the same round.
  5. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Alrighty, firstly thank you for being patient with me and secondly thank you for appealing your ban here on the forums! Now that I am off the server this has my full attention. So let's get into it.

    I hopped onto EUnilla after people requested a staff member to deal with reports. I joined to the map "Skycraft Final" with about 20 reports sitting in the RDM Manager and low and behold this is where the first valid report against you comes along! Here is said report for you to see. You can also see the report Mango put against you, I am assuming this was for the false kos however it was already completed when I joined the server so in my rush I didn't pay it much attention. I apologise for that @MangoTango for if I had, I would have had a screenshot for you but alas I digress.

    So, you killed magma for no reason it would seem. I scanned the logs as best as I could whilst trying to deal with all the other reports and I honestly saw no reason for you to kill him so I issued your first slay. This is when you started to harass me and you didn't hold back either, yelling over mic that I was a "fucking bitch" among other profanities that I could care less about as it did not bother me at the time. You continued to tell me how much the servers sucked and that I was abusing my powers for issuing the slay even after map change.

    Cue first round of MC Tiptsky and you are slain. All is well and good. Then we go into second round and as I am scanning the logs for unreported damage I come across the two following instances both of which I report you for. These are the logs so that you can see where it happened. I have outlined them in red as well so that you can clearly see what I am referring to.

    Upon seeing these two things I decide to report you for them. Here are the reports and your responses to them.
    So here you admit to accidentally RDMing the individual. Accidental RDM is still RDM regardless of how you plead it and you will be punished for it as it is taking away from someones round. Overall you dealt a staggering 43 HP damage to that poor guy which could have played a massive part in his round. So for this I was going to issue you slays but then I saw your response to the second report.

    You claim that you were shooting this player because you had been "shooting the guy who shoot the detective and he stand there." But see if you look in the logs I provided above in the "Second instance of RDM in round 2" spoiler you will see that there was no guy killing the detective around this point in time. No one had killed the detective or attempted to prior to this either so in this case you blatantly lied to me about why you damaged this person. You shot him for absolutely no good reason. This was your third offense of RDM with me on the server and it was then that I decided to ban you.

    Now not too long after this occurred, as I was checking the forums between map change, I saw that I had been invited to a conversation. I didn't pay much attention to who it was from or who was included and so I opened it thinking it may have been about a name change or something like that. However I was clearly mistaken as I saw that this was a conversation started by you. You also decided to invite 2 other people not including myself. They were @Star Wars Holiday Special and @Wex . Why you got them involved is beyond me however the messages that were in that conversation were completely unnecessary. I have included them here as they have now played a part in my final verdict for this appeal.
    So as you can see there is some more profanity there directed towards myself. Apparently following protocol and banning you for the RDM that you did was me bullying you because I never talked to you whilst I was on the server as I was busy dealing with reports. It was after this that Wex replied to the conversation asking for you to keep this to an appeal and then you responded to that with some even more colourful language directed at myself.

    So after all this you came to appeal the ban. Now that I have presented all my evidence and have pointed out the attitude that you came into this with, I will be denying this appeal. It is a one day ban, for the RDM that you did. Accidental or not it is still RDM as I stated before. I could have given you a longer ban at my own discretion considering the harassment that I received at your hand but I decided not to at the time. However due to the way that you conducted yourself in this appeal I will be extended this to a 5 day ban. I would also like to note that this is not your first ban as you can see here:

    So I think it is quite fair that you have some time off. I can understand that you were upset but taking it out on me the way that you did was completely unwarranted. Had you come to the appeal with a more appropriate attitude I would have kept it at one day but unfortunately for you, you did not. With all that said I hope that when you return you do so with a better attitude. If you have any more questions or concerns feel free to start a new conversation with me on the forums and we can talk there.

    Thank you and take care,

    Appeal: Denied & Extended
    Thread: Locked
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