Approved MiGGo's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by AAAAAAAAAAAAA, Mar 10, 2017.

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    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    i got framed
    people were saying that I was leadin the !rtv group trolling squad as a prank. Which is what I'm assuming I'm banned for

    None of that is actually true and people are just EPIC FUNY PRANKSTERS on that server. The only time I !rtv'd was on lego_fix which is a map i'm not a fan of.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    If @Hyper has screenshots of people claiming that I was pming people to !rtv, you can notice that lots of them have typos in them, such as typing Miggo instead of MiGGo, proving they are just pranks.

    Also if there's demos/videos then you can also hear my discourage people from !rtving in voice chat. My shadowplay has been a scuffed hunk of junk ever since the updates broke it so I don't have any of it recorded.


    Also that was just meant to be a light-hearted prank and I wasn't taking it seriously at all which is why I wasn't complaining about being ''framed'' on the server. It was a little funny if you ask me and I'm a bit sad that it had to end this way, with a lot of my good friends from the server being put away from the game for a long time.​
  2. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

  3. AWildSqueekMelon

    AWildSqueekMelon Active Member

    As a witness I can say that you did not take part in the mass trolling, yes you did RTV but I did not see you encourage mass RTV and group trolling. infact in Clue you said to stop, even if he did encourage this stuff Hyper did not say anything or tell us to stop so we couldn't know what we were doing wrong (motd loophole perhaps?). Please mods and admins cite this report:


    I don't want that report to be included in my appeal as I do not agree with a lot of what's said there
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
  5. Hyper ✿

    Hyper ✿ peace lata VIP Bronze

    I have seen this and I will respond ASAP.
  6. Hyper ✿

    Hyper ✿ peace lata VIP Bronze

    Hello @MiGGo and thank you for taking the time to appeal your ban. I'm sorry for any confusion or misconceptions that may have arisen from this encounter. All evidence can be shown in the spoiler, "Screenshots".

    The Story

    Let's start from the beginning. I hopped to EU2 from West because it was already staffed. EU2 seemed all fun and games at first; I can't lie, I enjoyed it. Then a felt like an imaginary switch turned on. The server seemed to be very disruptive and a suspicion began to rise. I managed to pinpoint some users that might be group trolling. Yes, an argument can be that people were just letting me know about rule breaking, but as I mentioned in my first warning. "If any of you want to report something like that, Do so in PMs. Thank you." it still causes a disturbance in the server so report it in a PM [or a report]. Disregarding this message, users still continued to do what I had asked NOT to do. As we changed maps, I noticed that RTV was being used excessively but knowing that 36+ players were present, I took it with a grain of salt. Yes, there were many users spamming chat with "MiGGo to You: RTV RTV RTV", there was no SOLID evidence [like a screenshot] that it was taking place, only a suspicion. I had mentioned this before, but no one seemed to be listening as this was just a reoccurring problem. After a talk with some fellow staff members, I came to the conclusion that group trolling was indeed in the act and so, I carried out protocol and called an admin+ (Falcor) and asked for a ban after presenting my evidence.

    I banned you for "Group Trolling" because though you might not have majorly impacted it, you were involved with the chat spam and bringing up issues that created chaos and disruption throughout the server for no apparent reason ("I can get atleast 8 of you banned for ghosting right now"). This did not help the issue at all. In fact, it wasted my time more than anything; having to focus on the possible offenses that someone was just jokingly accusing people of.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The After-Thought
    Personally, I feel that I had moderated to the best of my ability. I carried out the protocol calmly and effectively without losing control. After having a respectful discussion with the participants, @Falcor and I have come to the consensus that your ban will be lifted and voided as well as the rest of the participants in this encounter; @Sparkyy, @Pikachu and @Loan Shark. Please be reminded that this is a serious offense and will not to be taken lightly. Further offenses will be more severe. This is due to the lack of publicity of the definition and protocol for Group Trolling which will be fixed in the near future. I will be locking this thread, so any extra comments can be done via conversation on the forums or PMs on steam etc. etc.

    Falcor has talked with you all privately so your appeal is Accepted!

    A master-post of the history of chat during my time on is in the link as follows. Some may be offended from the racial/homophobic slurs, so please tread carefully. Start from the second screenshot and go down until the bottom. The first screenshot posted is the last part of the logs (Converting it all to Imgur was a horror). Let me know if there is any confusion.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
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