Alright, we have our original Metropolis map, which isn't really played often in all honesty. However, there's an update to the map which makes the map look even better than before in my opinion. I think it should be added. Here's the link. The only issue I can see with this is that it's around 9 mb, which is a lot larger than the original 1.6 mb of the original Metropolis (this is because the map was made bigger than before), but I think it should still be added while replacing the original Metropolis as a map option. The only reason I didn't put up the link in the Garry's Mod Workshop in Steam was because it wasn't uploaded by @TC224 and I decided to put up his original link he put on Gamebanana.
Looks like a lot more fun than the metropolis map we have. I very rarely see it played or even voted for when I am on.