Denied Marakh's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Marakh, Mar 31, 2016.

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  1. Marakh

    Marakh VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
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    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned for RDM x3. In that round I killed one traitor Eric, for almost certainly placing, but nonetheless, definitely looking at a C4, choosing not to try to defuse it or mention its existence, but rather running away. @Hello_my_friend observed this behaviour, and I KOSed Eric, and we both shot at Eric as he fled. I then walked to the tower, and saw a multitude of dead bodies at the bottom. I IDed the body of a detective, and noticed that it led to the top of the tower. Due to that being a deathtrap, I went outside and tried to lob a grenade through the window of the tower. After this I turned round and noticed Eric with 2 other people. Eric was KOSed so I mentioned that and killed him, suffering heavy damage. Annoyed that the other two people didn't help, I thought it would count as assisting a traitor so I killed both of them two, and admit that that was RDM as it doesn't follow the rules of the server. I then went back to the tower and noticed the DNA scanner had moved the DNA trace mark to a person at the bottom of the tower. I then proceeded to kill him and the round ended. I received multiple reports, which I did not have a chance to complete all of them. I was then banned for RDM x3 by @Nicos Bolas, when in fact I only RDMed x2.
    I fully appreciate that regardless that I have been banned for over half an hour, I will still serve 3 slays for RDM when I rejoin the server.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    None as I was banned before I could gather it.​
  2. Makuzi

    Makuzi Now we all pray blood stains wash away VIP Silver

    I will tag @Nicol Bolas
    He will present his evidence shortly.
  3. Marakh

    Marakh VIP

    Just want to tag @hello my friend as he saw Eric right next to the C4, looking directly at it, as well.
  4. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Okay so considering that I've been tagged here I'll explain what I remember. We came down the ladders and saw a C4 against the wall, with Eric right beside it almost certainly inside of the menu, instead of calling the C4 out he chose to run away from it, now after he was kosed and shot at I asked him why he ran away from the C4 without calling it out and he replied with this :


    Now I can't speak for the instances that happened after that point as you, RDM while agreeing you admittedly made a mistake, thought you could kill people who don't follow a KOS as GBA. From what I understand is you mentioned over chat/voice that you thought Eric placed it, but while relevant, isn't in this situation as you basically opened up an area of confusion by implying that you killed on suspicion.

    Now, this of course doesn't underly another problem of the fact that I cannot remember if the C4 was called out before or not, as it may have been.
  5. Marakh

    Marakh VIP

    Much appreciated. It should be possible to see if it was called out since, as Eric wasn't using voice chat, any call out he might've made would have been via the chat.
  6. Harvest

    Harvest The Forever Serpent VIP

    Hi there Marakh, thanks for posting this appeal.

    So, these were the three reports that got you banned. I'll post the two that you aren't contesting as links rather than images, just to save some clutter.


    Now, as you can see in the report with ericdb, you KOS'd and killed him for planting a C4 and running away. The logs don't show him planting a C4, because I was the one who planted it. This, in addition to the two other counts of admitted RDM, bring the number up to three, and I issued a 24h ban.

    A little later, I get this message from you on the forums.


    So here's where the story changed a bit. This is where you claim that the KOS and kill of ericdb were in fact for looking at the C4 and running away, which wasn't what your original report said. I have to go on the evidence given in the replies. Changing the story after the fact can fall under loopholing, which is why I will not be accepting the explanation in the forum post, and I will be denying this appeal.

    The ban is only for 24 hours, and it is localized to the EU Vanilla server, so you are more than welcome to play on any of our other servers in the meantime. If you have any issues with how I have handed this, you're more than welcome to message my admin, @C.A.Anna

    Appeal denied.
    Thread locked.
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