Accepted Maps I want for server.

Discussion in 'Maps' started by Tofu, Aug 8, 2014.

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  1. Tofu

    Tofu Banned

    First one is ttt_amsterville:
    This map is nicely design and atmospheric all the while giving players the opportunity to use the darkness around them to their advantage if they are a traitor or not. The map to me gives me a lot of memories of the past when I use to play TTT regularly back then. If the map is too dark for you, just raise up the brightness so you can see properly. Other than that, I have no other reason why I should convince you to upload this map to the Serious TTT servers besides the fact that it's beautifully designed.

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    Next one is TTT_Catacombs:
    Like reasons stated above, this map is beautifully designed and atmospheric for all people to enjoy. While some parts of the map is very linear, it can be a huge advantage to the traitor if done right. Like planting laser mines or a nicely hidden c4, the map can be good and at the same time scary if played right. The complexity of the map is what I like about it, everything from the sewer system to the abandoned sections of the map just goes to show how much effort the creator of the map did to it, back when I use to play TTT regularly as a traitor on this map I would like to hang bodies to intimidate the inos or push them off hazardous areas where more than 3 people wouldn't like to be. The only negative thing about this map would be again, the darkness.

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    Third map is ttt_casino_b2:
    Unfortunately there aren't that many servers that I can think of that host this map anymore, and another unfortunate thing is that I couldn't find that many images on Google for me to find that show any highlights of the map but let me tell you that this map right here has a lof good things to show, if you're worried about another darkness problem like the 2 maps suggested above, you can count yourself lucky because this map isn't dark to begin with. This map right here is an original map featured from the original Source mod: Goldeneye Source. Besides stating the obvious, this map compared to the other 2 is one hell of a nice looking map to begin with. From the pictures hanging from the walls to the nice lighting effect featured in this map, there are a lot to do in this map than just stupid fun like other commonly picked maps in Serious TTT.

    Preview image(s):

    To me as a TTT player, these maps would totally give me more reasons to stick to Serious TTT then just migrate off to another server in hopes of looking for better maps. The amount of content, weapons, and just the activity going around this community is what makes me like this community even more, and if these maps that I suggested was to ever be featured in the map selection would be even more icing on the cake. Hopefully you guys will take my map suggestions into consideration the next time you guys want to add more maps.

    Just to add more things for you guys to read and look here are some other maps I would like to see.

    Thanks for taking your time to read all this nonsense and hopefully you can show your support. See ya in the servers!

  2. +1, nice looking maps, would be a great addition to the server!
  3. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    Most of it has been suggested before, I don't really like the first one as it's dark and confusing.
    Catacombs seems nice
    Casino has been suggested before.
  4. +1 to the first and third, the second one is 2big4me
  5. I actually suggested Casino and I played on catacombs. You cant see anything in catacombs without your flashlight on. Its really cramped like the passage ways are as wide as the top of the door you can walk on in dolls. There are a few rooms that widen up then close back up.

    -1 to Catacombs
    +1 to casino and the other one
  6. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Casino is 239MB. Way too large of a download.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Catacombs and amsterdam too?
  8. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    The last time we tested it Highwon didn't like it being so dark ( i think) so unless he's had a change of heart, i dont see it being added, sorry.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    ttt_amsterville has been added to the rotation.

    Catacombs is a bit too dark.
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