Map Rule Suggestions

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by MtnDewBunney, May 23, 2014.

  1. MtnDewBunney

    MtnDewBunney Regular Member

    The !minecraft map should have that pushing some one into the water pool is a t act even if it is water

    @The Law
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  2. stormcreator

    stormcreator I am The Flying Wombat. Kythol is the bae. <3 VIP

    You know there's a suggestion section right?
  3. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    If it's pushing someone into a pool high enough to drown, then it should be (or is it already?). If you're talking about the pool that turns into lava... I'm not sure.
  4. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Pushing someone into a pool of water large enough to drown a person causing their death is KOSable, this only happens when the victim is usually AFK though. As for a water pool that turns into lava, I'm pretty sure you cannot kill over that.
  5. stormcreator

    stormcreator I am The Flying Wombat. Kythol is the bae. <3 VIP

    [QUOTE="Sinz, post: 68658, member: 2220" As for a water pool that turns into lava, I'm pretty sure you cannot kill over that.[/QUOTE]
    They put you in immediate danger. I've killed for this many a time.
  6. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

  7. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    Yes. You are putting someone into immediate danger.
  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Is it water or is it lava? You can't kill players for pushing you into any of the water that you will not take damage by drowning. However, if they push you from the land bridge above it and you miss the water pool, you can kill them because they pushed you where you could, and most likely did, take fall damage.

    Pushing someone toward and non-activated traitor trap is not traitorous.
  9. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    No you are not. This would be the same as killing someone for pushing/blocking you into the water trap on 67th way.
  10. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    I disagree with this, your pushing them into a place where they can take damage, more than just damage actually because once its activated unlike the nether lava you basically die instantaneously.
  11. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    Not technically, you push into the pool of water on minecraft there is the railcart they can hit. It turns to lava and you die instantly
  12. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    As angel stated previously if they push you with the intent to do damage you can kill for that, pushing someone into a water pool that in half a second can flip to lava is intent to do damage in my eyes
  13. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    It's the exact same as blocking someone into the water trap on 67th way or pushing them in there. You are pushing/blocking someone somewhere they can potentially die, but it is not a constant continuous thing happening in the world and that is why you can't kill someone for it. You can, however, call a KOS on the person that blocked/pushed you there.

    The way the rule was written was because players would push people near ledges where they could fall and take damage or if you push them into the water. They would have obvious into to cause damage. Because the traps aren't a 100% of the time constant thing occurring in the world, until after it is activated, pushing players toward it should be treated like the 67th way water trap.

    It's a water pool until it becomes a lava pool and pushing players into a small water pool isn't traitorous.

    @Angelx @ComPeter @Highwon , would you all be so kind to provide your input? Thank you.
  14. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Innocent pushes innocent into water pool, traitor sees innocent in water pool, innocent cannot get out in time, traitor activates trap - Innocent dies. I'd see this as a win for a troll. This shouldn't be allowed.
  15. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Innocent pushes player into water trap, traitor activates trap, innocent dies.

    The innocent can call a KOS before they die or a witness to the event could call the KOS as well. If both parties are innocent and, even though they died by the trap activated by the traitor, the person that pushed them would be held responsible for causing an innocent's death.
  16. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    So pushing players into the water pool is a traitorous act?
  17. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    No, causing damage to or attempting to cause damage to a player is traitorous.

    It's treated like the water trap on 67th way. If a player pushes you in there it isn't traitorous until it's activated to be an actual hazard.

    If both parties are innocent and it does get turned into a hazard, causing death/damage to one of the parties, then it's RDM.
  18. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    The water trap was in reference to 67th way, not minecraft.