Map Rotation song

Discussion in 'Round-End Songs' started by thefish11099, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. thefish11099

    thefish11099 Regular Member

  2. Chai

    Chai returned; VIP

    Video not available
  3. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    It's The Logical Song by Supertramp

    Are you suggesting it be played during map votes?

    Or are you suggesting it be played on the loading screen for the server?

    Either way, even though I love the song it's a little slow for a TTT end round song, and I am personally VERY against songs on the loading screen
  4. Chai

    Chai returned; VIP


    im sirius
  5. thefish11099

    thefish11099 Regular Member

    I thought we had loading screen songs but I remember that was a different server. Anyways, we can use this song instead for a end-round song and it doesn't have to play at the start of the song if you want.
    EDIT: For Chai if it doesn't load for you, use this without the spacing youtube .com/watch?v=TbsBEb1ZxWA or just search Caravan Palace - Lone Digger in Youtube
  6. Yeezus

    Yeezus Goderator VIP

    I like this song! +1 would be nice