Denied MalachiteBlade's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by MalachiteBlade, May 1, 2015.

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  1. MalachiteBlade

    MalachiteBlade New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    First to clarify, I am banned off of all servers for about a month I believe. I have some images here I'd like to discuss also

    I was playing on TTT East earlier, and It was on the community pool map. As you know, the path to the tester has a ladder and water. While spectating, I would posses some shelves and put them in the water. Other players were dying as a result, and the moderator Seth Harle warned me to stop. I argued the subject of whether or not it is a punishable offense to do so, and once he warned me that I would be banned for a period of time If I continued to push props into the water, stopped pushing props into the water. I admit that I was not behaving in an acceptable manner and I was mocking Seth when I should not have and was being a jerk. I continued to passive-aggressively mock him in chat and he warned me to stop. After Seth gave me a final warning, I said in the chat that I had to quit talking or Seth would ban/mute me. I was also mocking Seth when I said this. Seth then gagged me, and I finally got it through my thick skull to stop being a jerk. After this point I no longer mouthed off to him and once the map changed I asked him where I could find the extended rules, and a couple minutes later I was banned for loopholing/toxic behavior on all servers for a month. On a much earlier round, I was making wall art and a player came up and started to hit the wall right beside me. I took a gun and shot him. I believed I was in the right to shoot him because of his swinging his crowbar near me, and wanted to kill him. . I asked Seth if it was t-baiting and he informed me that should they shoot next to you, it is. I understand now that I was in fact exploiting a rule, I wanted to shoot them for making marks on my wall art and I exploited a rule to RDM him and try to get away with it. If he had been shooting right next to me It may have been different, but he wasn't. That was immature and clearly a violation of the rules, I see this now and apologize. I understand that I am to fault in all of these situations, but I am confused as to why I was banned after I had stopped mocking Seth in the chat. I had only asked to see the extended rules when I was banned for a month, and this surprised me. Once he had gagged me last map, I knew to cut my childish shit out. If another moderator could please explain this to me or Seth himself, I would appreciate it. It is my fault that I continually pushed Seth, and I thought myself not in violation of the rules and as a result thought that I could be an asshole and get away with it. I would not have acknowledged the fact that I really fucked up here unless I were banned, and I apologize that this is what it took to get me to open my eyes. I was being an asshole and I deserved it. I was immature, and being very hostile and mean towards Seth. I've played on these servers for many hours and have not found a TTT server that I like better. If I had held in mind how much I love to play on SeriousTTT and realized my wrongdoing, things may have been different and I wouldn't have spouted blatant hate and ill-contempt towards Seth and I would not have looked for an excuse to kill a player. I am sorry Seth, I was a complete fucking dick and I am disgusted with myself because of how I treated you. I would not want to be treated the way I treated you and I am sincerely sorry for how I made you feel. I gave you so much shit over so little and I regret every bit how bad I made you feel, and I need to grow the fuck up. I am astonished that I went on a laid back, fun game with nice players and fair moderators and made you so upset. You were fair with me and very patient and lenient, and I should have listened to you. I wish I could take back the anger I made you feel, I feel like a piece of shit for making you feel that way and having a complete lack of empathy. I am sincerely sorry Seth if you see this, I fucked up and I deserved it. I would also like to apologize to the staff of the server for my poor behavior. From now on I will always make sure to respect and follow orders moderators and staff give me. I will no longer act in such a childish way, and I will be respectful when I speak to a moderator and treat them with the same patience and kindness they treat me. I can clearly see how I behaved and am resolved to not act in such a way again. I am ashamed with myself that I acted the way I did and got myself into this mess. I know what I have done wrong, and promise not to do so again, and I hope that Seth forgives me and I am unbanned.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. MrEvanJ

    MrEvanJ On my grave I want VIP not RIP VIP

    Hello, @TheCoCoFTW banned you globally for your loophole and toxic behaviors on the server. He will respond as soon as he can in the mean time sit tight!
  3. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    Yes I had banned you as Evan had stated above. I was informed by @Seth Harle that you were being very toxic on our servers. I will let him present the evidence before I give a verdict.
    Last edited: May 1, 2015
  4. Seth Harle

    Seth Harle Solace VIP

    Hi i'm Harle, pleasure to meet you.

    Firstly, I don't see a reason why you would consistently go against me. I gave you plenty of warnings on both occasions yet you still tried to cause drama and unhappiness by stating false information publicly about what I said to you in private message.

    If you feel as thought you've been wronged, report it on the forums rather then make a fool out of yourself which then resulted in this ban.

    I don't appreciate you making up your own rules as well as telling me what's right or wrong. You are in no position to tell me how to do my "job" either.



    You clearly lack the basic understanding of rules and I highly suggest reading the motd or the extended rules thread.

    Just a heads up, you cannot kill someone for swinging his crowbar near you neither can you move props into the water below the ladder on community pool. You are blatantly trying to interfere with game play and affecting others by killing em while you are dead.

    Demo of both events.

    Community Pool


    I'm very sick at the moment just to clarify when I told you I wasn't in the mood to put up with your shit.

    There's not really much of a point showing one side of the story in your post. The tone of your voice and the way you kept persisting on making hell for me on the server shows what your real intentions were. You really did a good job on your part.

    I strongly discourage approving this appeal and hope that the ban stays but I will let @TheCoCoFTW have the final verdict of this appeal. I will also tag my admin @Finn to give his feedback or opinion.
    Last edited: May 1, 2015
  5. MrEvanJ

    MrEvanJ On my grave I want VIP not RIP VIP

    I would also like to add where you said
    Where you resulted in multiple players deaths. I think that you should have listened to his warning rather than you just being the guy who says I don't see it in the rules, I think you took Seths warning the wrong way. Resulting in someone else's death on multiple occasions means you ignored his warning and were being toxic by killing multiple players with props.
  6. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    First of all, Seth has no obligation to give you a warning for any of these things.

    Regardless of this, I would like to apologize for his swearing, he gets that from me, but it isn't appropriate for a moderator to talk to a member like that, especially in regards to appeals and reports. He will be reprimanded for that.

    Other than that, the evidence is very clear against you. Your confession is appreciated, but at this rate it seems you don't understand our rules, and I'm afraid that unbanning you prematurely wouldn't help your understand them any better, or improve on your attitude.

    As my old admin used to say, "If you did the crime, you do the time."

    Appeal Denied and Locked.

    If you have ANY concerns, feel free to PM me.
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