Rejected Make Dropping Grenades Included in T-Baiting

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Taco Man, Jan 22, 2017.

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  1. Taco Man

    Taco Man VIP

    T-Baiting is defined as an act that encourages other players to shoot and kill you, even through you are innocent.

    Dropping a grenade (especially a frag) into a crowded room then quickly running away does nothing but provoke people into thinking you are a traitor. There is literally no other reason to drop a frag into a crowded room than there are reasons to deliberately shoot towards someone. (Except trolling)

    It's unfair when someone does this to trick you into shooting them then reports you so that you get slain. Granted, you can tell if it is actually thrown or not (hand pose and grenade sound) but that requires a good bit of experience to recognize quickly and act accordingly. I'm sure the majority of experienced players won't fall for this trick, but for everyone else it's discouraging when you see someone hurl a grenade at you, but it turns out they didn't pull the pin and you get slain for shooting them.

    So my proposition is to make it a part of t-baiting to drop harmful grenades (frag, incend, discombomb) near people, as it serves the same purpose as our current definition of t-baiting, which is to provoke people into action.

    A problem with this suggestion is that it is difficult to tell when someone is dropping a grenade to pick another one up, rather than deliberatly doing it to provoke other people. My answer to that problem is that the same problem exists with shooting towards people (whether they were shooting at the floor, wall or roof or towards someone)
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  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Personally I disagree as this whole game type itself is supposed to focus on you using your head and being patient with certain actions. This is why you should be patient with when a grenade is being dropped and thrown as well. There's also an animation that shows when a grenade is being thrown compared to being dropped as well. The idea of traitor baiting is that a stray shot could also cause someone else's life to be in danger, which is why it's listed as traitorous in the first place. Pressing q to drop a grenade (regardless of grenade type) doesn't put anyone's life in danger at all, which is why it isn't listed as a traitorous act either.
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  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    This has been suggested multiple times and not too many players want this. The largest argument is that the majority of traitor baiting tactics may be mistaken for one of the traitorous acts; meaning it could kill people.

    Due to the obvious difference in arc, animation, and sound of grenades when they are thrown vs when they get dropped, it's not a useful rule to have.

    Please search before posting any new suggestions. It's good discipline to search before posting anything.

    Thank you.
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  4. Taco Man

    Taco Man VIP

    You really can't afford to be patient with a grenade in the heat of the moment. By the time you find out whether it was thrown or dropped the grenade could have exploded.

    I've stated that there is the hand pose, but it is difficult to tell unless you have played a fair bit of TTT. I didn't learn about the hand poses until a good 200 hours into the game.

    Fair point that it doesn't put anyone's life in danger. Regardless, it can still provoke people as done with t-baiting.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  5. Taco Man

    Taco Man VIP

    Thanks for the info. I did know that this has been suggested multiple times but I wanted to see if I could change people's minds. I'll delete this in the morning.
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  6. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    I hate to say this. But I understand how you feel. But it's a obvious sign for people who drop their grenade with the animation of dropping. I don't think this should be considered t baiting.

    However. I think there is a need to put obvious troll who had a frag. Dropped it and get a smoke and charge it.
    Why I am saying this is because I have been baited by them. And I was shown no mercy to the slay for damaging that guy.

    Yes smoke isn't traitorous. But there should be a discretion for people who troll by doing that trick.
  7. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    I would be much happier if we got a new model for incendiary grenades so I don't have to worry about smokes that look like incendiary grenades all the time.

    Other than that, when you throw a grenade your arm goes up - when you drop it your arm does not do that animation. If you didn't see someone's arm go up when it dropped they didn't throw it.
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  8. Walker

    Walker Hell yeah VIP

    I understand where it is coming from, but I feel like with making it a T act will cause a lot more RDM especially with new players. I do the like the idea for a new model for incen tho! ^^^^^
  9. Lone Wanderer

    Lone Wanderer The One and Only VIP

    What if someone was dropping a grenade to pick up a different type? If we had a rule like you're suggesting in place, people could easily abuse it and kill for situations like I'm describing.

    There's a very clear animation and sound when someone throws a grenade, and it isn't that hard to pay attention for those, especially with frags, which make a very clear metallic clanking sound when thrown.

    So, I don't think a rule change of the nature you're suggesting is needed. It's clear enough already when someone is throwing a grenade as opposed to dropping it, and it leaves room to be abused if we do make dropping grenades traitorous.
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