Denied Makaveli's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Makaveli, May 9, 2015.

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  1. Makaveli

    Makaveli Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    My mic spamming and so called "harassment" lead to a very ridiculous GLOBAL ban for 28 days
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Well I was mic spamming and I suppose harassing another player, but no where in the rules does this lead to a 28 day ban on ALL SERVERS. I was having a fun little affair with a player by the name of "Porcelain" whom we would refer to each other (excuse my language) as "lil bitch" and "lil hoe" repeatedly (FOR FUN OF COURSE, SHE CAN CONCUR). Now for the mic spam i was given a warning, muted for a whole round, but not kicked and banned for 8 hours (which in this case should be the max amount of time to be banned) and for my harassment this was I suppose my first offense, since I was not given a warning, so in all I would happily accept a reasonable 24 hour ban which would be the max considering the mic spam and for my first harassment. If this should be re-appealed I will not make these same mistakes, I am a dedicated player to Serious TTT and have over 120 hours put into your servers, not as much as others, but a good amount to show that I do care about the server's rules as well as experience. I was merely having fun, I had no complaints, except from a person named RussianTiger13 (and obviously Salisian), but if my harassment was that serious (considering it was in a friendly manner) then perhaps I should have been reported OR at least warned first.​
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Makaveli, you were banned by @Salisian for constant mic spam and harassment, which was extended to 28 days through his discretion. He will respond with why you were banned soon. Please be patient and your appeal will be handled in a timely manner.
  3. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    This is not merely about your constant mic spam- if it had been, the ban would have been 24 hours (second offense). Nor is it just about any particular instance of harassment. This is about a pattern of toxicity, related to how you retaliate against other players for the tiniest perceived slight. Among your other offenses, you've accrued 29 gags in 106 hours on the server- at that point, it's become abundantly clear that warnings mean nothing to you. The point of a warning is to show you that you've crossed the line- after 29 times, you know where the line is, and you're deliberately pushing it. Plus, every time a mod calls you out for your mic spam or harassment, or gags you, you respond with abusive language and try to play the martyr with other players to drum up discontent. It's not just me- I've now spoken with four other mods who have had this issue, and I guarantee you there are more.

    Moreover, every time you have an issue with a player, you go out of your way to harass them in voice, and often target them in game. Every time I've staffed when you've been on a server, it's the same story- you act up, you get gagged, you call me a bad mod, I ungag you after you've served your time, you stop for a little while, but the abuse seeps right back into your demeanor. If you truly think that saying "nobody likes you," "this mod has down's syndrome," or "this is why I don't like high school dropout mods" is a "friendly manner" then you have a lot to learn. On your end, you're entertaining yourself, but your actions have consequences, and the people you target have feelings. Over the span of a single hour of play tonight, you harassed me and three other people, and I learned later that you had been doing it before I joined. When I called you out on it and later gagged you, you spent the rest of the map insulting me for it. My Steam client and admin chat were absolutely blowing up with complaints about you, and people were leaving the server because of your nonsense.

    The reason for the global ban is because you managed to jump right past the usual tiers of punishment and into "multiple offenses," which aren't listed on the rules page because they require admin discretion. And that's just a single night. This history goes back weeks, to incidents that I didn't document at the time, apart from thinking "This guy is really abrasive." However, on reflection, I'm going to lower the length of the ban. This whole thing isn't intended as a punishment or a retaliation on my part, but as a time-out, to let you know that no, you don't in fact "care about the server's rules." The sTTT "experience" is meant to be supportive and friendly, and every time you're around, you invariably drag that experience through the mud. Take the time to really consider if your actions are done in a "friendly manner," because this is my arguing that they're not.

    Appeal denied. Mostly.
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