Denied Lumi Nody's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Lumi Nody, Jun 13, 2016.

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  1. Lumi Nody

    Lumi Nody VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Snoop Doge
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned for 14 days from all servers for doing nothing.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    i was already banned from like 2 of the servers but not all but today it says banned for 14 days for all the servers​
  2. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    You were banned by @Aco Taco for Mass Rdm x4+ with history which was globalized by @Zigles. Be patient as they respond with evidence.
  3. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

  4. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    I will reply to this thread soon with my evidence and reasoning, thank you for being patient.
  5. Lumi Nody

    Lumi Nody VIP

    ive posted another appeal regarding the RDMx4
  6. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Since you keep making a new appeal, here is the comment in regards to it to prevent clutter.

    Someone deleted my other appeal so i am going to write it again. I was banned from all the serious ttt servers for MassRDMx4 which i did not do, ill explain. i admit to pushing one person off to their death(because someone offered me 200 points to do it lol) and rdming another person by accident. the other 2 were not rdm and i dont know why it was considered rdm by Aco Taco. In a round which i was detective i hit TheGhost with the crowbar because we were messing around, i even gave him a health station instantly afterwards, i had also picked up a newton luncher from a traitors body and at the time i had no idea that the newton luncher did damage, i thought it was a t weapon that had no point except pushing people around or off the edge so i shot someone with it for 4 damage and when i saw their health level go down a level i told them to follow me to the healthstation i placed within a few steps of us.
  7. Lumi Nody

    Lumi Nody VIP

    Someone deleted my other appeal so i am going to write it again. I was banned from all the serious ttt servers for MassRDMx4 which i did not do, ill explain. i admit to pushing one person off to their death(because someone offered me 200 points to do it lol) and rdming another person by accident. the other 2 were not rdm and i dont know why it was considered rdm by Aco Taco. In a round which i was detective i hit TheGhost with the crowbar because we were messing around, i even gave him a health station instantly afterwards, i had also picked up a newton luncher from a traitors body and at the time i had no idea that the newton luncher did damage, i thought it was a t weapon that had no point except pushing people around or off the edge so i shot someone with it for 4 damage and when i saw their health level go down a level i told them to follow me to the healthstation i placed within a few steps of us.
  8. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    Alright Lumi, I'll get right into your ban.

    This was your first offense of RDM:
    You killed him because someone offered you points. I slayed you once, and that was that.

    Then, you decide to RDM again:
    You may have just been "joking" around and gave him a health station afterwards, but that is still RDM. So I slayed you twice for your second offense of RDM.

    Then, in the same round, a player brought to my attention that you damaged his traitor buddy for no reason with a newton launcher:
    So I proceeded to report you and ask you about the RDM. Your response to the report was admitting to the fact that you did RDM.
    That would make it your third offense of RDM, which would be a one day ban, but as you said:
    You RDMed another player by accident, making that your fourth offense of RDM so I proceeded to ban you for five days for Mass RDM x 4.
    An administrator then globalized your ban due to your history of RDMing/Mass RDMing.

    Unfortunately, as far as your ban on West 1 goes, I will not be unbanning you. I will not unban you due to the fact that most of your RDMs were a "joke" and that you seem to not have learned from your other RDM bans. I suggest you take our rules more seriously in the future so you can avoid something like this from happening again.

    Appeal: Denied

    Aco Taco
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
  9. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Hello Lumi Nody or Snoop Doge! I was the administrator who globalized and extended your ban to 2 weeks. I did so because I checked your adminstats and saw that there had been a recent trend of being banned for Mass RDM, RDM and leave, and even one karma ban.
    Seeing how you managed to amass 6 bans in 10 days, I decided it was necessary for you to take a little break from our servers. I hope that when you come back you will have thought about your actions and will not continue to RDM as frequently as you are currently doing.

    I will leave this thread open so the other moderators who banned you can present their evidence @Infinitely Finite @NoHackJustGood but I will be denying my portion of this appeal unless the moderators are unable to provide said evidence.

    Appeal: Denied
  10. Lumi Nody

    Lumi Nody VIP

    Alright the one that i said i rdmed by accident wasnt really an accident, i saw him throw a granade and i even waited for it to explode to make sure it was not a smoke and from the sound it made i was sure it was not so i called a kos on him then when i found him disguised i killed him and he reported me. He was loopholing and no one believed me and i had no evidence. i remembered this when you said a tbuddy of a traitor i hit with the newton luncher found out that i rdmed, arbys was the one who loopholed and his tbuddy was the one i hit with the newton luncher. Isnt it kinda fucked up how you slayed me for playing around with my friend and gave him a health station right afterwards? cause like we were playing around and he never reported me and he was fine with it and he even told you to remove my slay and you didnt. Also damaging someone for 4 damage isnt going to change the whole round and there was even a health station right next to him, 4 damage wasnt going to change the round and the fact that i get banned for half the time i paid 10 dollars to get vip+ is really fucked up, i mean its just a game and the point is to have fun but when you bann me and make me waste 5$ just for having fun with my friend who also had fun is something that should not happen. What i am asking you is to please show some mercy because Mr.Rogers said the fact that i was fooling around with my friend and damaged him for 25 and gave him a healthstation right afterwards depends on the mod if he wants to slay me for it.
  11. Lumi Nody

    Lumi Nody VIP

    Also the reason i got banned for low karma on one of the servers is because i kept killing people who tried to rdm me and i was even spamming in the shoutbox for a mod to help out but no one listened
  12. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    I will be responding to this shortly. I do apologize for writing this a bit late...
  13. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    Hey @Lumi Nody, lets get into things.

    First of all, I was on forum reports during this time and I was checking the logs for mass RDM. Unfortunately, the logs show you killed 5 people with a grenade.
    [​IMG] The 5th piece of evidence is you killing Rose Funera1.
    All of the logs shown above prove that you did RDM. Because I was not here when this happened, I had to see this as RDM without staff online. I had a conversation with you about your RDM earlier and you seem to have admitted to it.
    Because of what I have seen, I will be denying my side of this appeal. If you have any more questions or anything you would like to add, you can private message me through the forums or you can add me on steam and I will talk to you personally. Thanks again for taking the time to write out this appeal.
    By the way, I apologize for my small worded appeal...
  14. Infinitely Finite

    Infinitely Finite The future is always blank. VIP

  15. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Also on a sidenote, moderators are not allowed to use discretion while staffing on the servers. If you damaged a player for 4 damage they have to slay you for it regardless of if they're in the mood or not. If you are messing around with your friend and accidentally damage them, no matter what the moderator has to slay you or ban you if it is necessary. Seeing how all the staff members that have banned you have given their evidence and all parties unanimously agreed on a denial, this appeal will be denied and the thread will be locked.

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked
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