LT. White Horse - Mod Abuse

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Thumped, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. Thumped

    Thumped Member

    Name of Staff/Player: Lt. White Horse

    Server: (Which server did this occur on? West, East) East

    Time of Occurrence: (Make sure you include your timezone and map with round number if necessary) 5:00pm (US central)

    Reason For Report: (What did he/she do?) Mod abuse for kicking myself and another player for not complying with his demands to change our names.

    We both had ambiguous names (ie: Who, Somebody, Nobody, etc.). He complained they caused confusing, which im sure they did. That there were trolling. After asking us multiple times to change our names and my repeated declining his request LT. White Horse kicked us from the server.

    I have played with Mods who troll, just last night as a matter of fact and I made a report about it. From it I have learned trolling is not an offense worthy of punishment according to other Mods/Admins.

    There is NO SERVER RULE against such names. Until such time a rule is instated that ambiguous names are illegal on the server I have no obligation to change my name.

    They mod took it into his own hands to kick both myself and Somebody from game rather than coming here first.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: (Screenshots/Video Recordings/Players That Witnessed The Event) Screen shots to be attached... no particular order.
  2. Fever


    I was on right before White Horse kicked them and I asked them to change their names as well; It has come to my attention that it doesn't say it in the rules BUT in our STTT MOD RULES AND BASICS it says:
    "Non-Listed Punishment:
    Troll Names / Impersonation: Ask user to change name, if they refuse then kick them, if they re-join and refuse to change, ban for 8 hours."

    Maybe we should think about adding this in. No wrong on your part you were just defending yourself.
  3. Thumped

    Thumped Member

    See this is wrong. Mods will go about punishing people who do not know the rules. Rules need to be publicized, not kept to Mod only knowledge.

    Is there a link you can provide to show this ruling. If so I will happily change my name.
  4. I asked you, I believe 8 times to change your name because it's my job to avoid confusion in the game.
    You refused every time.
    I told you I would have to force you to change your name if you didn't listen to me.
    You could have made this a lot easier.
    In the end I was fed up with you and kicked you.
    Side note: You have an extensive history of troll names that resembles other players.
    Snappy Turtle, MacCloud etc.
    I think you are trolling to an unnecessary amount.
    I didn't ban you, you were free to join back.
    As shown in your screen shot, that was the 6th something time I asked you, I was still kindly asking you.
  5. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Horseman was acting as he should when he saw a player causing confusion and trolling via username. While there is no explicit rule against having confusing names, it falls under the act of trolling/harassment. Perhaps a clarification should be added in the future so that it is clear that confusing names are not allowed.
  6. Thumped

    Thumped Member

    That right there says power abuse. PLAIN and SIMPLE. and you admit to it.

    Each time you asked I also politely declined.

    From my perspective you took it into your own hands to make your own rules.
  7. Thumped

    Thumped Member

    I agree that there should be public knowledge of this ruling.

    But to have a punishable category of trolling/harassment? Just last night I was trolled/harassed by a MOD (Opouly) and made a report about this harassment. Nothing was done.
  8. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Thumped, you admitted to deliberately ignoring MULTIPLE mods asking you repeatedly to change your name. Remember, these are mods. Not regular players, not VIPs, but mods, and that means they have been given the power to police and regulate these servers. When they speak, they are doing so from a position of authority, and as such should be obeyed even when you don't agree with their judgement. That's why we have this sub-forum, so you can report mods who are acting unfairly or abusing their powers. This doesn't mean you can blatantly ignore the mods in game. The CORRECT course of action would have been to just change your name, and then come on here and report it/make your case. Choosing to instead ignore two mods is completely your fault and responsibility, and as such in my opinion the punishment is more than justified.
  9. Thumped

    Thumped Member

    Finally a voice of reason. That's all Im asking for from you people some reason. I know I'm no saint.

    Tsu I will agree with you, in hindsight I should of taken the course of action you presented.

    All I want is for these Mods to have logical reasoning for using their powers, not "just cuz I can" or in this case "In the end I was fed up with you and kicked you."

    Give me logic and reasoning, obey your own rules and set a proper example, and this "troll" will gladly comply.
  10. Thumped

    Thumped Member

    I still however stand behind my Mod abuse accusation. Yes I was out of line as Tsu has pointed out a better line for me to take, BUT that doesnt defeat the fact that LT. White Horse was also out of line for using his powers because he "was fed up with" me.
  11. I told you over and over why you needed to change your name.
    I did not do it "just cuz I could"
    I did it because you refused to listen to me.
    I told you this exactly:
    "Please just listen to me and change your name, I don't want to force you to"
    When you can't listen to that that's when I'm getting fed up with you, and kicking you was "forcing" you to change your name.
    I don't know how I should explain this. I'm not fed up with you as a player, but the fact that you wouldn't listen to me. I did not kick you for my sake, but for the other players and the server's.

    I am in no way a power hungry mod who does things because I feel like it.
    People were complaining, several of them telling us to deal with your names.
    I took the action necessary.
  12. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

  13. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    He didn't go out of line. That is the proper punishment you give as staff when it comes to names/sprays. If the person does not change their name/spray to something that's not offensive/unreadable/trolly then you are supposed to kick them/ He did the right thing and you should have just listened to him.
  14. Thumped

    Thumped Member

    Diekasta, as you have stated your comments are not welcome as they are biased. There is a forum post with such a topic, and you know OF that post as you stated. Please show some self-control and keep to yourself unless referred too.

    Althought I will agree, rub someone back who rubs you. As I did and was punished for the other night, a point I've tried to make blatantly clear.
  15. Thumped

    Thumped Member

    @ LT. White Horse, given you explanation I revoke my accusation. All I am looking for is level headed Mods (like Tsu's post, even though he isn't a Mod). The "cuz I can" or "cuz it bothers me im going to" ideology bothers me coming from a Mod.
  16. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

  17. Thumped

    Thumped Member

    2nd time you've posted on this report in which you were not cited, and 2nd post where you have contributed nothing but negativity/harassment. Forum admin please deal with accordingly.
  18. Shades

    Shades VIP

    Diekasta is an Ex-staff member, He well knows his rules. [Not in the wrong] He was explaining, trying to help.
    He's giving the right idea in my opinion.

    The way I see it,
    You shouldn't have any offensive names or a name that can disrupt gameplay Such as Traitor is a Traitor!!

    Another thing: You should respect criticism and improve from it, not tell them in better words to "Fuck off"
  19. Thumped

    Thumped Member

    I don't care what he USED to be, he is not being constructively critical as Tsu was, he is being verbally offensive ("Thumped, people such as yourself, with no psychological backbone"). There is a difference. Specifically in a forum in which he as no reason to be posting to begin with.


    "You may not comment/reply if you are: Not One Of The Above!"

    Now explain how he isnt breaking such rules.

    He makes blatently offensive remarks, ADMITS he is in the wrong, but you say he is NOT? Please pardon me, WTF?

    I'm all fine and dandy if LT wanted to make such comments as he has ever right, not some individual who feels like throwing in their 2 cents from the peanut gallery.

    in my experience as a staff member on an online community, it is your place to withhold personal bias, and look at all reports factually.
    His "right idea" is that its okay to break the set rules so long as your a favorite is what I'm getting from you.
  20. Shades

    Shades VIP

    He could've been nicer, but you also could've.

    Okay, here's what your Report is saying though:
    Horseman asked you clearly to change your name multiple times, before the kick.
    Another thing, Why would you have that kind of a name if not to intend on being a troll.
    Personally, Horseman was in the right. False report.
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