Denied Low Dusk's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Low Dusk, Jul 29, 2016.

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  1. Low Dusk

    Low Dusk New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Low Dusk
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Because I didnt really even do anything wrong. I was banned by Machinekiller00 for "micspamming" Everyone in the server was saying High Noon occasionally, and he just got pissed about it? Idk. Regardless, I feel like it was a false ban.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    There was quite a few other players online at the time I was banned, QUAKE 1 was there, but wasn't banned. High Dusk was there, but wasnt banned. They were all doing the same thing??​
  2. Electric

    Electric I'm just a guy without a plan. VIP

  3. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Hello there Low Dusk.

    So let's get right into the evidence. Some context behind this ban is that you and another player who's name was The Egg started saying "It's high noon" . There's nothing wrong with that itself because it's not offensive at all or anything bad so that's not exactly why you were gagged. However it got to the point where multiple people were saying it over and over again for about 35 seconds. I let it go for too long and I was way too lenient with you guys constantly spamming so I decided to do my job and gag you for that. As well as some other people as shown in this screenshot below.


    You were Hodor and I gagged you for that initial mic spam and ungagged you since that was the warning micspam. You might not have heard it over everyone talking but that gag was my warning. You then continued to do it even after I had warned you and you kept saying it constantly over and over which gave you the 2nd gag which went on for a full round. As seen below.


    As you can see I had already gave you 2 warnings and then you still contined to say it but I didn't ban you because it wasn't spamming. You were just saying it every now and then and that was okay. But you then kept saying it over and over again telling people to change their names to high noon because I assume you and a few others thought it was really funny to constantly say it. It got bad to the point where I couldn't hear any koses called that round or deal with any harassment that I heard over mic because of the constant high noon you and a few others were saying. So I asked an admin which was @Guilty if it was okay to give a ban because you would not stop saying it every few seconds or so. He replied with yes if you were doing it after I warned. Which is shown below.


    Also you were doing it intentionally. You and others convinced everyone to change their name to high noon or anything similar to I assume spite me or because you all thought it was funny. It kept getting in the way with dealing with reports or anything so it wasn't okay. I was really lenient and I should have banned you before but you wouldn't stop.

    Also the gags you were under the name Hodor and to prove it was you I have some evidence for that as well.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You can see that Hodor is in fact you, Low dusk. You can also see in all the previous screenshots that I banned and warned people and people had similar names which also proves the statement I made earlier saying you told people to change their name. You guys were all spamming it and you weren't the only one banned or warned. Some others were close to a ban but you were one of them that got the ban.

    I have some witnesses to this and I will tag two @Python and @Electric the trial mod with me at the time. You would not stop even after the 2 warning so I had to ban you for it. The rules say I have to gag, full round gag, then ban for that which can be seen in the loading screen, when joining a server or in the motd when you do !motd.


    I will leave this open for a bit so you can have a chance to respond or if the witnesses have anything to say.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  4. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Well about an hour as passed and since your ban is only 8 hours long I don't have that much time to wait for a response. I will keep the ban and if you would like to talk about it any further then feel free to pm me or my admin. Thank you and have a good day.

    Appeal: Denied
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