Something needs to be done about this shit. 2 times in less than 30 minutes i get rdmed on my t round and the excuse is "I saw him kill someone" even though both times the rdmers were across the map at the times i killed someone. The admins response is "well they said they saw you kill someone and you did so you're SOL". This server is a joke.
An easy fix to this is to be recording, if you can prove that the people who killed you were loopholing, then they can be properly punished. It might be a bit tedious at first but it'll be routine and easy once you do it for a while.
I am recording but if i don't do a 360 everytime i kill someone to record that the room is empty then the recording is useless because they can just say they were off screen.
There's a feature in demos that allows the angle of the camera in a recording to be changed. A staff member reviewing a demo can very easily tell who is in the room and who is not. If you'd like to give it a shot, type "demoui" into the console before starting a demo. When the demo is playing, click "Drive" in the demoui window, hold left click and move as you normally would if you were spectating. You will be able to freely move about the recording as you please.
No, this is a joke: Most people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet. If you have any suggestions on how to fix this problem, we'd love to hear them. How do the mods prove they didn't see you kill someone? How would you feel if you got slain because you saw someone kill someone else and you killed them but that wasn't a valid reason anymore? You're just suggesting to fix a problem, but how do we do it? Otherwise, just record like Alice suggested.
Also Alice, you should make a tutorial post on that because I was not aware of that feature and I'm sure many mods aren't
The mod should really ask the player who they saw you kill and where they saw it happen. If they cannot remember or don't know, they have grounds to contact an admin for discretion based slaying.
What Carned stated was true. However, that's usually for players that we see constantly use that reason; we take note of who has a trollish record. However, if you were killed by two separate people that stated that in their reports, and that was their only time, I wouldn't go seeking a slay. I also think that it could also be your play-style that needs to be adjusted. You might need to use a little more situational awareness.
Also, keep in mind if you claim RDM and the player claims he saw you kill someone and you did, we cannot take their word over yours or vice versa unless logs/evidence is provided otherwise.
Hm, I sure love the sound of sub-30 FPS gameplay to deal with a flawed rule. Anyways, the five seconds grace period should be removed, that's an easy way to deal with the flaws. You saw him shoot the guy, you can decide to start shooting him then or not shoot him at all, not "Wait until he IDs the body and if it's an innocent then I'll shoot him"
That makes no sense. The 5 second grace period is for someone shooting and identifying a traitor. I'm not sure what you think the grace period is, but both of your examples had nothing to do with it.
The grace period is, according to Guilty, the period where you can shoot a person after you saw them shoot someone.
I doubt tats what @Guilty told you, but the grace period is simply the time where you may be shot after shooting someone and identifying them as a traitor. You are vulnerable 5 seconds after identifying their body as a traitor.
The staff are already doing what we can to prevent loopholing, but unfortunately, not everyone will be punished immediately due to not witnessing the situation during the time and/or the incident not showing up on the logs. This is particularly why loophole punishments are more severe than the standard punishments: because people are trying to find a way to bend a rule to fit their situation. Because when they get caught doing something that normally doesn't show up in our logs, it causes problems for other players if it becomes a constant habit. And @Barlakopofai , you already had this discussion with @Darktooth where he agreed with my verdict as well. Please keep a non-loophole situation out of what is being suggested.
Dude, Mango just told me that you lied about what the rule was to get out of a slay, if anyone is in the wrong here, it is you. Especially since the staff is loopholing :I After rereading what he said, why the fuck is that a rule, that is just what RDMers want. Who went into the rules making and thought "Murr, how about a rule where you can shoot anyone who IDs a traitor body
It isn't just identifying a body. It is shooting, killing that player and then Iding the body. I don't believe you read what Mango had posted above correctly. I also suggest that you stop this conversation now. Guilty has already asked you to not post in this discussion about things that are not related to the OP and now I am asking you to stop. If you have any issues feel free to start a private conversation otherwise don't post in this thread again unless it has anything to do with the OP thank you.
It's to leave room for simple human error. We aren't going to slay a person for being a human. Have a 5 second grace period gives players enough time to react to the situation.
AH! Read your rules, nothing allows human error X3 4 dumbs, all by people who know the rules. Yes, I know, it's hard for your brain to comprehend how your own rules work
This has gone off-topic long enough. Any further deviation from the suggestion will result in this thread being locked.
TTT isn't a competitive game mode. It's best enjoyed when you don't let the little things get to you. If a player tends to RDM, sooner or later he will be punished for it. Patience is a virtue my friend.