Denied Loan Shark's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by tommy robinson, Jun 25, 2017.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Mind That Midget
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Bruh. why is this shit global, you think im gonna go around on US servers spamming that link to some shit talking british snob (no offence to any shit talking british snobs out there i love you) and ew what the fuck, you actually clicked on the link, what're you, gay? I dont think i really i did anything as the victim of this holy parade of meatspin links never said he didnt like it, i assumed he did and was fapping at the time, thats why i sent many more link because they were for his own enjoyment.
    They obviously werent meant to hurt anyones goddamn feelings alright.
    Now will you please unban me since this is the most effort ive put into a ban appeal im pretty sure but idk tho. Also if you dont i will take the lengthiest shit youve ever seen and dump it straight into your mouth almost like im force feeding the fuck outta ya, ya dirty whore.

    sorry cant write more cos ban machine B R O K E :(
    Evidence of Innocence:
    boi i aint got any evidence apart from when he didnt say he didnt like it, i thought british snobs liked, my apologies and prayers go out to you
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2017
  2. Menname

    Menname VIP

    • Please do not comment on appeals that do not involve you.
    understandable have a great day
  3. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    You were banned for "Spam/Porn Link" by @Agent A

    Please be patient while he collects his evidence.
    • Inappropriate Behavior
    suck my dick you fucking retarded piece of shit faggot and go die in a hole you low IQ orangutang cuntmuncher eats your own mumma queefs when u suck ur dads cum outta her pussy bitch ass motherfucker, how tf you gon ban me for no reason then search for the evidence afterwards you backwards piece of shit lil bitch if this was caveman time i'da clubbed the shit outta your bitch ass then raped yo cavehoe ass, you lucky we got smart people running the justice system cause spastics like you ruin this country #MakeSeriousGMODGreatAgain
  4. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    The reason why I made it 5 day globalized ban for Spam/Porn link is because of the following reasons I will be writing below.

    On the same day as @Pikachu got banned for group trolling, you were also banned for the same offense as seen here.
    Let's fast foward a month later, you along with couple people got banned for group trolling. link.
    During the same month, you got banned from the sb. link.
    Let's go to something more recent.
    How about this or that?

    Don't believe me about your history? Maybe this can convince you.

    Dunno why you thought something like this is a good idea.

    Your recent behavior is unacceptable. You're not even taking the appeal seriously. Heck the comment above is your third active warning point on the forums. See you in a week.

    Appeal: Denied.

    PSA: Don't try to type out the link Loan Shark gave out. It leads to meatspin.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2017
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