It took a while for me to find the post for the extended rules describing the finer details of the rules and map information. Would it be possible to add a link to this post in the MOTD so that players can find it easily while connected to the servers?
I would agree on this one, this idea has been suggested a lot but would make STTT more easier for new players to understand what the full rules are and avoid them from getting banned +1
It's not difficult to imagine this being suggested a lot. Would certainly save some explanation time.
Loop holing is going to happen either way Harry. Considering Darktooth said when he got lead that they were working on re-doing the motd I assume this would be a part of it. Nevertheless +1.
What? Why? Because people who loophole will take read those rules and find a way through them? The only reason not to have this added is laziness. Cannot think of another. +1
As the !motd is an in-game browser, I'm sure that it would be easy to implement this. This would allow for easier access to the extended rules for clarification and education because learning the rules is cool. +1
I believe the MOTD on the servers points to this page, so to update the MOTD would be to update this link
I mean the link to the MOTD rules is just fine as it is, I meant adding a link on the navbar drop-down titled "rules" that points to the extended rules thread. For example, here's the modification: HTML: <li><a href="rules/">Server Rules</a></li> <li><a href="">Extended Server Rules</a></li> <li><a href="rules/forum">Forum Rules</a></li> <li><a href="rules/teamspeak">TeamSpeak Rules</a></li> Instead of: HTML: <li><a href="rules/">Server Rules</a></li> <li><a href="rules/forum">Forum Rules</a></li> <li><a href="rules/teamspeak">TeamSpeak Rules</a> Edit: If this were to be implemented, I'm sure there's a better file path to the specific thread, but I don't have access to the website's files nor have I worked with XenForo in the past. Either way, the point is conveyed.