Approved LeggoMyEggo's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by LeggoMyEggo, Sep 25, 2016.

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  1. LeggoMyEggo

    LeggoMyEggo New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I joined the game and 2 rounds later of people shooting barrels and stuff repeatedly, someone happened to be jogging with a barrel again. He was jogging with it on round 3 slowly getting closer and closer towards me a huge crowd and then it happens to blow up as soon as it is close to me and kills quite a bit of people including me. My body said I was killed by an object and me trying to think of some flaw that TTT or garry's mod has (whatever idk) to where maybe just maybe the barrel hitting me instantly blew up after killing me and say's I blew the barrel up killing all the people. But then I start thinking of other solutions on how it blew up because the barrel didn't even seem that close to me. But I just can't remember and I shouldn't even be making this appeal because I didn't do anything! I don't know if you can look back to see if I swung or shot because I didn't even have enough time to pick up a weapon. I did have my crowbar out but I didn't swing it so HOW did I blow this thing up! I literally didn't do ANYthing yet somehow the console say's I killed someone somehow and I get banned for 5 days!? How unlucky can I be. I just get back on Gmod in like months to play TTT and I'm banned for doing nothing so hopefully someone knows of some glitch or whatever you want to call it that the barrel can blame a person for blowing it up when it hits you.

    I honestly don't know what to say other then please unban me ASAP and most likely no one believes me nor cares because people got to follow protocol which I understand and no prove means no help no matter WHAT. Just please do something for me and if you can at least learn something from this appeal... Please fix the god damn barrel problem so this isn't in vain. Oh my lord.

    Sorry for being so sloppy and whatever I can't think of to describe this but I wrote everything fresh off the top of my head and I hope you can get to know me, I'm not all that bad.

    Last thing again. I'm 99% positive I did nothing wrong and if you were actually there to see it instead of some console finding the facts for you, it wasn't me. I could wait 5 days doing other game but it's the principle. I don't like having bad records, especially when I did nothing wrong and I don't think I have any history of "Mass RDM".
    Evidence of Innocence:
    None, really wish I was recording...​
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
  2. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    You were banned by @Steve Mason for Mass RDM (4)

    Please wait for him to respond.
  3. Steve Mason

    Steve Mason Honesty. VIP

    Hi Leggo thanks for making this appeal,

    I'm gonna keep this short and I need your reasoning why this happened. Clearly what happened below isn't a mistake..


    That's the report that was filed on you, after taking a look at what happened even more is that you shot the barrel which was placed near multiple people. You shot that barrel and killed more than one person (4 in this situation.) I even asked why you killed him and you didn't reply, your reasoning in the report was more than enough.


    Those are the logs above, you rdm'd four people that round with that barrel hence the ban.

    I'm not gonna deny this appeal just yet, I'm waiting for your response. Please remember that you are still able to play on other servers just not on West for the 5 days.

    Thank you.
  4. LeggoMyEggo

    LeggoMyEggo New Member

    Dude, you have all the prove right there. It 1st say's I was killed by something aka barrel and somehow you say I shoot it yet I'm dead. 2nd it say's DMG. 3rd the guy say's stop blowing up the barrels. He has no idea who is even blowing them up and I've only done it once according to the logs. I'm being honest, but I guess the "machine" will have the truth.

    I mean, I don't know what else to tell you man. I don't think my mic was working all that much anyways and I press this "pair button" for my turtle beach headset so my mic works because sometimes I have to do that for it to work. I was saying "Can you hear me?" after a couple of times pairing.
  5. Steve Mason

    Steve Mason Honesty. VIP

    Sorry in the delay, I'm currently at work and will handle this appeal when I'm off. I'll tag you and contact you when I do handle it. You shot the barrel and rdm'd four people (killing counts as one, each person injured counts as one. Hence how I got four.)

    Considering this seems like a genuine mistake, I'll try finding a way for you to serve your punishment and unban you. Nothing is final, and will let you know when I figure it out.

    Please be patient as I'll take a further look into this when I'm off.


    @LeggoMyEggo added you on Steam to arrange another solution for you to avoid this ban. Please accept my invite and message me back, if you don't respond I will deny this appeal within 12 hours. Thanks.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
  6. Steve Mason

    Steve Mason Honesty. VIP

    Player has served his slays and is unbanned.

    Appeal: Accepted
    Thread: Locked
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