Approved Laced Xanax's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Laced Xanax, Jun 5, 2020.

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  1. Laced Xanax

    Laced Xanax Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Laced Xanax
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I wasn't hacking. I assume I was banned for bhopping as that was literally the last thing I heard mentioned before I was banned (my shadowplay video is uploading to YouTube right now, and you'll hear it)

    Here's a little bit of info on how I bhop, and you'll see some of this reflected in my video:

    When I bhop, I cap my frames to exactly 33.3, the slowed-down feel of the game helps me time my hops. It's not always frame-perfect, I missed more than a few hops when I was on today. I use my scrollwheel to bhop. (you can slightly hear it in the video) The capped frames and scrollwheel jump mixed together, plus around 2k hours of practice, equals semi-decent bhopping. I am not the first person to use this method nor will I be the last.

    If you search around a bit, I also have two hacking bans on Crescent TTT and an assload of a bans on Dinkleberg's TTT. The two hacking bans on Crescent were appealed and accepted, and 3/4 of the bans on Dink's were joke bans from my tenure as a staff member over there. None of my serious bans on Dink's are for hacking.

    If the staff have any further questions, please post them either here or PM me on Discord (Laced Xanax#8211) and I will respond to them ASAP.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2020
  2. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

    @Reda-Lex as he banned you for hacking 1st
  3. Reda-Lex

    Reda-Lex sup, China ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)/ Administrator VIP

    Hello Laced Xanax, i banned you for Hacking(1st offense), i will get back to you shortly.
  4. Laced Xanax

    Laced Xanax Member

    Edited my post to include a video of the 5 minutes before I was banned.
  5. Reda-Lex

    Reda-Lex sup, China ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)/ Administrator VIP

    So i banned you for Hacking(1st offense)-Bhop script after seeing you do this: (The last minute of your video)

    I have never seen anyone bhop like that without an external help, your explanation looks honest and possible. I also asked the opinion of different staff member and i took a look at the 2 bans you had on Crescent.

    Seems like i was wrong, i'll unban you and void the ban, but i'll post the link of this ban appeal in your note.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Ban appeal: Accepted & ban voided
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