Denied krisphung88's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by krisphung88, Jun 25, 2015.

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  1. krisphung88

    krisphung88 Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Before anything, I already know how bad it's looking for me lmao.

    56day ban for toxic behavior

    0 word from steven or popstar before anything happened.. there was this stick guy whod I say was worse than me lmao telling people to suck dicks, although very jokingly lmao, like the way I do it. But they let it slide cause they only hate me? gg. jk.

    I tried talking to Steven online but he just dodges and rephrases the ban reason lmao.

    56 day ban for telling jokes? I mean okay. The jokes, although offensive in nature i guess, they don't offend anyone since they don't apply, to anyone.

    I guess another mod warned me for harassing he(r? a few hours earlier) but it was for saying sorry lmao.

    Steven also said for my "poor history" lmao . I still stand by how telling someone else that instead of going on the forums to report bad behavior, that they should not waste their time with that and just tell them to fuckoff instead, is not harassment.

    once again the jokes dont apply to anyone and are so ridiculous in nature that you would have your own problems to be affected by them . also i say just kidding after most of them , you know in case anyone actually thinks im serious.

    My ban appeals are always denied probably cause I'm not sorry in the least, not that I should be.

    harassment means targeted, so that's not what this was, nor was it called that.It's for toxic and unappreciated jokes-steven.
    Evidence of Innocence: honestly I don't expect the staff to keep an open mind about this, either that or I'm too close minded myself

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
  2. krisphung88

    krisphung88 Member

    also also you guys always shut down my posts before I can say anything lmao , like you guys are not even open to discussion
  3. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver


    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Goodmorrow Krisphung88,

    You displayed yourself quite clearly over the course of the last week. Not only did you run into issues with staff but more so often with your fellow players. Often times while telling these "jokes" you were asked to - and I quote, "Shut up." Implying that our players just didn't find your jokes entertaining as much as you might have thought.

    My provided evidence is a situation that occurred on Dolls, a map before your ban. You were with the detective and saw him drop the health station. Players then asked if it was real and you responded with, "Yeah, let me show you" and instead of using it/testing it like a normal person, you shot and then destroyed it. Now up to this point you'd expect it to play out normally with one of two scenarios. They let you go and say "welp, there goes a health station" or they kill you for committing a traitorous act and you die. However, you actually had the audacity to fire back and kill players that were shooting at you for this. You knew what you did was going to be wrong, but you did it regardless. Your defense was that you were proven and that those players should have been slain for killing a proven player. I asked Steven for discretion to slay you on intent of lowering other player's karma. Overall it was a move that we do not support nor find favorable here at SeriousTTT.

    As I discussed with you in-game when you had an issue with @Alice , you are a valuable player, as all of our players are. We respect and treat you all as individuals. We use the !motd as our guideline to assist us when helping our players. However, you, as an individual and as of this moment, are not fit to play on our servers. We have collectively agreed that your 8 week break will help you understand that. So please come back to us with a clear conscious and a ready to go attitude. Take care, Kris.

    @Carned & @Pirateer will provide their input soon enough.

    Thanks so much,

  5. krisphung88

    krisphung88 Member

    ^^Steven you posting that isn't really anything different from what I've been saying, you post it like I have nothing to hide, like you think I'm saying I didn't do anything at all.

    Poppy, 1 person saying shutup(don't remember but regardless) doesn't really mean anything. It's nice of you to leave out how there were quite a few people who found them funny, although overshadowed by the number who clearly flat out said it they were lame i.e. unaffected. There is a difference between doing something wrong , and doing something wrong with a lot to back you up with. Don't stretch and pick and choose what I said poppy, it's ill mannered. I did say that I was proven so they should know better, and that if you're slaying me on the logic of intentionally doing traitorous acts, you should slay them too since they intentionally shot me with a detectives word I was proven. There was no report from the guy I killed(or was there? lmao) This really explains a lot as the person I murdered , he himself did not believe he was in the right. but really 1 slay isnt a huge deal at all honestly(still stand by my stance though lmao). Don't say come back with a clear conscious when I clearly show no remorse or guilt(nor should I). No one was offended ,and if there was , it only people believing they should be since they like to believe they have understanding of correct moral standards. So again, I am aware the jokes involve specific races, even steven calls them silly. And it's not like I said these things with intent to injure anyone, but why should I care what other (rude)players think? Especially the rude minority. If they were actually offended and told me,I would feel bad and stop until they got offline to start again . (toughy inc)

    I also know that people have a weighted sense of morality. To explain better, if I said my room smells like a group of asians, people wouldn't care at all vs My room smells like a group of blacks. Now which one is more offensive? the latter obviously. (more examples)I painted my computer yellow so it would be smarter vs I painted my computer black so it would run faster. So i avoided those since people don't understand what racism is. I treat all races equally and accept that all races have their own stereotypes. So then I make fun of the stereotypes(i try to pick the lesser ones) and a little beyond, and like I said. i clearly state it's a joke and i don't say it in a serious tone. In fact I can barely hold myself from laughing because they're all so cringe worthy.
    Also the fact that if i were to use black and jewish people as the point of my jokes, I would have been banned faster, and less warnings, and that in itself is racism. <- hasn't happened but we all know it's true
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
  6. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Hello Krisp.

    As a Direct Witness to your behavour, I had to warn you myself for racial and offensive topics. Before @Alice had gotten onto the server with me, you were talking with other players about how you were going to, "kill yourself" and were warned to stop speaking about offensive topics. You repeatedly would ask, "How is that offensive?"

    When you had said the above statement, another player said to you, "Go drink some Diet Clorox Bleach." which you began to tell the staff you were being harassed and targeted. This also prompted you to start speaking about Communism and freedom of speech like it somehow allowed you to speak about offensive topics when we directly told you to stop. I left this alone but another mod, I believe it was pop star, maybe Carned, told you to not bring up such discussion as it is a cause for arguments.

    At some point, Alice became your focus and you started to direct statements towards Alice while purposefully trying to skate the line. Which I PM'd you stating, "You are starting to target staff, this is going to be considered harassment now." This finally got you off of Alice and onto me, as you started to ask me now, "How is that Harassment?" I did not feed you anymore information at that point as you went silent and finally backed off as all I did was tell you to stop one more time.

    There is a difference between 'Telling jokes' and being offensive on purpose and trying to get away with it. You were being very offensive and openly causing a very toxic and unfun place to play.

    I would highly recommend my peers deny this appeal. Thank you for your time.

    Goddess watch over you.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2015
  7. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald


    You've basically admitted to your ban anyway though you use of "Satirical Stereotypical Humor" however one joke is okay..maybe, you however were constantly rude and toxic for the entire 3 hours you spent on the servers yesterday.

    @Alice has most of the evidence but i have some of my own.

    Please excuse the music but the time starts at around 1 minute and continues throughout.

    Your toxic behavior has NO Place on our servers.
  8. krisphung88

    krisphung88 Member

    ^ well the guy did ask. I didn't know how serious I sounded lol playing at 4am. So cringe,every time i let go I laughed because I didnt even know what I was saying.

    Thanks for that carned, it made my day, knowing that I can laugh at myself, again.
  9. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Well you can laugh to yourself for the next 8 weeks, off our server.


    To Please OP: This has been denied because of the obvious use of disgusting humor and toxic behavior, even admitted so by the OP, this is no something we tolerate on SeriousTTT, no matter how causal you may think racism is, we do not. One joke is passable but you continued to be toxic the entire play session and should be lucky the ban is so short considering your previous history.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2015
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