Denied Kollin's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Kollin, Feb 4, 2016.

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  1. Kollin

    Kollin Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Because one of the Rdms was a Detective who was about to kill me if I wouldnt have done what I done I would have been crushed by a falling barrel they literally just let the barrel go and I shot it I didnt know it was a detective I just knew if I wouldnt have done this I was gonna die (Get Rdmed). So I shot the barrel in Mid air and I hit the Detective. Map The New Pool, I was gonna go up the ladder from the basement.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I was only reported twice and I wasnt reported 3 times or anything No one was complaining about me hurting them, Like it is said well its just that kind of admin that would ban someone for three accidents. Here are the three accidents = First one I was about to be crushed to death so I saved myself. Two no one was in cite of me I was down in the walk way with like 10 explosive barrels I saw no one so I shot them because I didn't want a Traitor to shoot them and kill me which did Damage/Kill someone and one of my detective buddies which didn't do barely anything to him I felt so bad for hurting him I gave him my jackhammer. All "3" Rdms where in self defense and just being cautious. All accidents, also it is funny how the map before I was reported three times and guess what all of them where invalid because I wouldn't do anything that would be purposely rdm. Like someone was kosed so I shot them and to get to them there was someone in front of them so I had to shoot "Through" them which killed them, this known rdmer at the time I was playing was shooting a "Traitor" Near me so I shot them and they reported me No slay because It was a valid reason for me to shoot them. I would not and have not just rdmed it has been for my SAFETY and if these people where KOSED by INNOCENTS.​
  2. Yoda

    Yoda Member

    You rdmed me and damaged another innocent with a barrel and rdmed a detective the round before you were banned by @Ravin For mass rdm I have a video if needed
  3. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    We'll let @Ravin respond to this appeal as soon as he can. Thanks for the patience.
  4. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Video isn't needed.

    Hello (Goku) @Kollin . Thanks for taking some time to file this appeal.

    As you have already admitted in your appeal, you said you had accidentally damaged people and/or assumed they were going to damage you/harm you. Thing is, you cannot shoot a Detective as they are immune to T acts until they hurt or damage you as explained in out Extended rules. The Detective dropping a barrel on you, which you admitted he already dropped, wasn't going to crush you, so you shot it and killed the Detective. Ironically, if he had dropped it on you, and you shot it, it would have damaged you as well and it did not. So you were clearly not in danger of going to die from the prop.


    The second case of RDM, you shot a Barrel and even stated it went to someone else and killed them, asking to be slain. Which was two counts of RDM because it damaged two people.


    I would think very carefully on your next reply. Considering you have a Loopholing ban by @DerpyKyogre64 recently, I am very concerned about your playstyle and should have banned you for loopholing again. However, I am willing to hear what you have to say going forward.

    Thanks for your time.
  5. Kollin

    Kollin Member

    Sure tell me what "LoopHoling" Things that I did.
  6. Kollin

    Kollin Member

    Well forget it I could care less I am done with mods on this server there are only some good mods and you have you sh*t mods I wont say who but you can probably guess one Bye <3
  7. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    You were in no danger of being crushed, as if you were and you shot the explosive barrel, it would have damaged you as well. You also say in your report "He almost threw it on my head." Which implies he "almost" damaged you, which he would need to damage you to kill him anyway. As he is the Detective. This entire post and your reply on the RDM was a loophole to try and slip by the rules.

    As you can see. You other Two RDM's were clearly not in self Defense. Nor was your first one. "Almost" throwing it at you is not in danger, or immediate danger. Nor do any of the logs support your claim.

    Judging by your reply, you clearly have no intention of understanding how your gameplay is affecting the servers, this is not the first time it has been documented you have this kind of behavior.

    All three cases of your RDM were on purpose, and you attempted to word it in a way to get out of a slay.

    You even try to say on this appeal they were KoS'd when two of the people you killed were DETECTIVES and immune to KoS's, ontop of that one was with an explosion of a Barrel.

    I am going to go ahead and deny this appeal, and not only that, extend your ban to a 2W Global Loopholing ban due to your history. I hope you take time to learn from this in your two week period timeout and come back to a fresh start on the servers. You are welcome to PM me to discuss this further or have any questions or concerns.

    Appeal - Denied and Extended.
    Topic - Locked
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