Denied KillerOOD's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by KillerOOD, May 15, 2016.

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  1. KillerOOD

    KillerOOD VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    [BG] KillerOOD
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    So I dont know of which report I got banned for but I think I know why it is .Here is what happened : a guy threw a smoke nade so I killed him (he didnt report me) because I have seen other people kill for that and get away without a slay so I though its a new part in the rules or something else.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Check logs​
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You were banned by @Fivecraft for "RDM and leave 3rd offense". He will respond when he can so until then, thank you for being patient!
  3. Fivecraft

    Fivecraft 'The sh*ttiest mod since Guilty' VIP

    Hello @KillerOOD thank you for taking the time to file this report and I can understand the confusion but as you will see from the screenshot below the smoke grenade has not been added to the t acts list
    And you can always double check these with !motd as that is where the base rules are at which also has a link to the extended rules which can also include any map specific as well as changes noted
    As you can see above you had damaged and killed a player for the wrong reason which when i was reading your chat messages about it i noticed the mention of a smoke grenade and decided to check it out and before i could question you if this was indeed why you killed them you left it is always recommended to at least wait till the end of the round or get clarification if you are good to leave from a staff member as it does not require a player to report you for it to be rdm as many of the other players have come to learn when a staff notices a case of rdm they typically investigate it and i was not given the chance to do so with your case and as you have admitted you killed Origami due to a smoke grenade which is indeed RDM and as you left before i could investigate or before a report could be filed i placed the RDM and leave ban on you which ended up being your 3rd offense in the past 4 months as such with this in mind and the factor of you should know that smoke grenades have not been kosable I will be choosing to Deny your appeal I hope you learn from this experience and in the future if you are unsure of something like this ask a staff or ask the shoutbox for clarification. Thread Locked
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