Killamarshall {CoNL} has Stupid Bans

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Batman >:), Jan 30, 2014.

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  1. K Killamarshall {CoNL} Just banned me for playing the sound "Game Over"(from Halo) on my phones soundboard. Now I was on today and watched two players harass and admin named TangoMango like very badly harass him and they weren't banned and spammed the chat with disturbing comments. I played this sound (3 times) in three separate map changes< which to me isn't mic spam. To me this mod Killamarshall {CoNL} clearly shouldn't be staff because he has a very short temper against players with a little bit of humor and doesn't like it when i play a 2 second sound that isn't even harassing anyone. Everyone else thought it was funny except him obviously. So this is stupid. He should go through Moderator Training or something. :x
  2. ExtraJuicyTable

    ExtraJuicyTable Staying under the radar. VIP

    This is consider mic spam but may I ask why would you continue to play the music after he had warned you?
  3. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    no this was not the case, you spammed it severel times with in one map and recieved the outlined punishment in the MOTD, then next map you spammed it again so i banned you for 8 hours.
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I was there when you were gagged for the first two times you were gagged, per protocol. Killa even warned you that if you spammed your soundboard that you would be banned; he even mentioned it in admin chat to make sure I was okay with it.

    You would think that after your first warning, you would have been wise and not used the soundboard again, but I'm guessing you decided to test his patience. I did not find it funny, either and I was actually the first person to gag you. The ban was justified.

    Your appeal has been DENIED.

    In the future, please follow the format found here when appealing bans: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1060

    Topic Locked.
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