Just RDM

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by MatthewXD, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. MatthewXD

    MatthewXD Member

    Name of Staff/Player:Dr.Bonerstorm

    Server: East

    Time of Occurrence: About 6AM (I live in Washington state), Dust

    Reason For Report: I killed a T and he called a KOS on me because he found an inno body around the same time

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: none

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Hello MatthewXD,

    Thank you for filing a report.
    However we can not issue a slay right off the bat. As this is very similar to a regular RDM report, we must also get the reported player's side as well.

    I will log on in approximately 60 minutes (after having some coffee and eggs), so that I can help you with this. Until then, please try to be patient and maybe think if you were perhaps doing anything that might be deemed traitorous? If not, than that is OK.

    See you soon,

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