Just in need of some friendly support

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Predator, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Predator

    Predator VIP

    Ok peoplez,
    Well earlier there was a conversation in the shoutbox. And it triggered something that means a lot to me and that I just need a bit of support on. I'm not quite sure if this is the right place to post this but going to anyway as I have wanted support with this for a while.

    So the deal is, I had owned my dog. Scooby, for over 9 years. He has been there with me through a lot and I was so used for him to be my shoulder to cry on and such. Months back a lump formed on his abdomen. We took it to the vets but they didn't do much about it. It became apparent a while after that it was more serious than we had though so we took him again. A few weeks after that visit I was having an argument with my mom, it turned out pretty serious. But a few hours later she came home, opened my door and was calm. I knew something was up, she had told me Scooby had cancer. He'd been estimated 3 months to live. I had never felt anything like I had then. My bestfriend, practically a brother in my eyes. Now at the time, it was a hard time in my life. Even if it weren't for the fact that he was doomed to die. My life was already as bad as it had ever been. I had lost so many people at that one point and it was all just a mess. Infact, a few minutes after finding out about Scooby. I had been coughing up blood and such. My ex-girlfriend calls, with her ex-boyfriend and asks me to apologize for something that I hadn't even done. She knew about Scooby but didn't care. Anyway, Scooby lived for another 4 months after we found out about the cancer. Which meant it was 4 months of me, watching him get worse and worse. To the point where he was couldn't move. Everytime we went to have him put down he kept acting better and like he wasn't in pain. It was obvious he was, the amount of holes in his body. The tumors in his brain, his lungs. All over, it just was going downhill and I didn't realise is was nearly time. As it came to the date of his death. I became really stressed one night. I broke up with my girlfriend who was there for me the entire time purely because I was stressed. It was about 2 in the morning when I went to bed. I had gone to see Scooby. As he had been planned to be put down in the morning whilst I was at school. At that point he was in a constant state of a continuous fit. The shaking, foam pouring from his mouth, twitching. It wouldn't stop. I couldn't stand to see him in pain so I went to bed, just for him to be put down moment later as a vet came to our need. I woke up in the morning. Walked out of my room and, he wasn't there. I asked and my mother had thought I was awake when he was being put down. I didn't even get my goodbye. This was 10 days before I turned 16. The day before my birthday I helped to sort out his grave, the day after. On the morning of my birthday I helped bury bones at his grave. Not a single happy birthday from anyone had been given to me even under the circumstances that I was holding back from breaking down at his grave. I know I had time to get ready. But turns out, I could never prepare for losing him.

    I've posted this because I wanted others to know of the story, I wanted to share it and hopefully for me to receive some support. I don't know how to end this, so I'll end it with Scooby's favourite phase. "Chicken, cheese, walk, park, lead" :) <3 R.I.P
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
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  2. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Fuck, why did I have to see this while listening to sad music?

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  3. thanemartin4

    thanemartin4 Regular Member

    Having had to put down my previous dog, I can see where you are coming from. However, depending on Scooby's breed, cancer was perhaps predetermined. As advice I have to say, get a new dog to help you cope as a shoulder, and to keep you company. Stay positive and move forward. Don't get a dog of the same breed, it'll help you move forward.
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  4. Predator

    Predator VIP

    Already have a dog, Hooch. Presa Canario, he was Scooby's best friend. He's disabled and a huge slobber beast. So I can't exactly get very cuddly with him. I do try but, it's just not the same
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Hey man,

    I know it's difficult to lose a close member of the family. Mans best friend can always be trusted to love unconditionally when you show them the proper affection. When I was in my early teens I lost my five year old dog, Slim. He was a mix breed and probably one of the smartest dogs I've ever owned. Slim was released from his chain one night and poisoned by a cruel member of the neighborhood in which I lived and he only survived a day after we picked him up from the animal shelter. He loved me unconditionally; I'm sure just the way it was with you and Scooby. I buried Slim's collar in a time capsule so in about 35 years from now, I will have something to look forward to. Opening up that capsule and seeing that leather collar with his name on it will definitely put a smile on my face, bringing back memories of my days as a carefree child; I'll be 60 years old then.

    My advice to you is to keep something to hold onto the memories if the good times with Scooby. Although that item will be tied to a family member that is gone, it will remind you of how much of a best friend he was to you.

    Happy Belated Birthday and take care!
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  6. Predator

    Predator VIP

    Thanks guys, appreciate it. I think it's due to the fact that my past wasn't the best, so having him there for me at that time. It was just a major weight off my shoulders. And it's probably why I miss him so much, not having him there for me anymore. And not being able to be there for him.
    Also, just went into my room for the first time since 4 this morning. It's 7 now to find my 6-foot boa constrictors vivarium door broken off.. Took my a good 10 minutes to find this beast wrapped around a computer mouse under my desk. Poor thing just wanted heat once he had gotten out
  7. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    Hey shroom,

    I just thought I would share my story. I had a bullmastiff named Bella. She lived a good long life for a dog her size, 9 and a half years. About 3 years ago, on my birthday, she suffered something similar to an aneurysm. The veterinarians tried their best to keep her alive, but it was already too late and little could've been done. The next day, we had to put her down. That was was already hard enough, but the thing that hit me the hardest though was that night that we put her down, I had to grab something from parents room. I walked in and something caught my eye so I turned around. On my dogs bed, was a toy that she must've left there. That was like a big punch in the gut and I immediately started crying. Since then, we have yet to get another dog, but it something we are now considering.

    If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here. Add me on Steam or message me through here.

    Take care

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  8. Robert! paulson!

    Robert! paulson! Well-Known Member

    Hey shroom i totally feel you, last year mid january i had a 7 am basketball practice and got up to get ready and let my dog Zoey outside. About a minute later while pouring some cereal i heard her yelpping and barking, my dad ran out to see her dragged off her leash by force bleeding in the alley and as he looked up he saw not one, but three coyotes leaving the scene all thanks to a car that scared them off in the alley. Zoey survived the initial attack just barely but 11 days later was to weak to continue and passed away, by far one of the most depressing times of my life !

    Attached Files:

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  9. Bluesky4life

    Bluesky4life Regular Member

    All I have to say is "losing someone or something feels bad at first, but It was better to love have love than lost than never to love at all"

    GG Man's best friend.......gg(Bluesky sad voice) :(
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Predator

    Predator VIP

    Thank's all, and will keep that in consideration The Lemon, I still get those moments, the random urges to just break down because something reminds me of him. It killed my putting those images above because I had to look at them again. And Robert, that must've been hard to cope with, I would've lost it at that point. Proud of all those who have felt the pain, "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall". We're still going strong. And that's true, yes Bluesky, thank you

    Edit: Only just seen the image of your dog The Lemon, the face is just adorable. I'm sorry for your loss..

    Edit again: Omg Robert, I only just saw your image too.. It must of hurt you so bad to see her in pain, but proud that you're still going strong even after such an event
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  11. Sleeping Dawg

    Sleeping Dawg c o o l b o y s VIP

    Sorry @shroom if you thought I rated you dumb, it must have been a misclick when I was on my phone. It would be the cruelest thing ever to do that here. I'm sorry for your bad times and I hope will feel alot better soon. Stay strong!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. Predator

    Predator VIP

    Aha, yeah I saw it. Was really tempted to RDM you in-game ;D but chose not the think nothing of it at the time as people have their opinions. But thank you dude, means a lot
  13. Aboose!

    Aboose! Floral shirts, Dads and sleeveless sweaters are IN VIP

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