Hey everyone, I recently noticed that more people (@Exactly ) are looking for Undertale! To enter, just simply leave a comment or a rating on this post. You can enter for someone else by tagging them! Give away will end on Feb 1st, winners will be drawn on Random.org. *Once a winner is drawn I will contact you over steam so you can claim your prize!* **If the selected winner does not respond within 2 days it will be redrawn.**
I'll be happy to make any textual tutorials if anyone is stuck on Genocide bosses. Give to @Jackie The White Wolf or @Exactly or @Derp Mason or @Highwon (Someone gotta post him in a giveaway sooner or later. Wondered why no one shows the big guy any love. This game will show him some love.) In order, if someone already has it or doesn't want it give it to the next dude.
Sometimes you just wanna sit down, play a great game, cry like little babbie, eat ice-cream, and be traumatized all at the same time and I feel this game accomplishes that! I WANNA FEEL THE FEELY FEELS THAT FEEL FEELY!
I'll take a copy to handout to @kynwall or @Exactly Pretty much will make them have a fight to the death, the last one standing will get it
I'll be enterting for another friend who is very new to steam, since he is not part of STTT, I will be entering for myself then gifting him the game after I get the game.
I wouldn't mind getting this game, but being a college student makes you poor. I guess I could stop my Elite donations for a month, but I need my John Cena and Tron models.