Denied JoshuaZGamers's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by JoshuaZGamers, May 22, 2016.

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  1. JoshuaZGamers

    JoshuaZGamers New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I did not rdm any player or hurt them except traitors. I only kill the players who acts suspicious as traitors and if their not i apologize to them after finding out their not the traitors.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    The last time I played was today ans the map of minecraf_motel one of my favourite map. I was afk for a while and got back after finish making breakfast and getting ready for badminton classes. That's when the players were shouting and telling that someone shot somebody. If I'm wrong the player who got shot was BlueGalaxy when i was reported. Problem is, I didn't kill anyone YET!​
  2. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Hey there Josh, you were banned by @Fivecraft for RDM&Leave 1st Offense and if you'd kindly give him some time he'll response at his earliest convenience; thank-you for your patience!
  3. Fivecraft

    Fivecraft 'The sh*ttiest mod since Guilty' VIP

    Hello @JoshuaZGamers thank you for taking the time to file this appeal ok so now to the nitty gritty you were banned for leaving after being slain for your second offense of RDM with a slay still on you as shown below
    now 2 things I want to point out here 1. you had thrown a incend which caused the damage shown here in the report and as you can also see there was a additional damage from another incend you threw which I honestly did not notice until now but when questioned about it you responded with 'i didnt do anything you piece of shit' and denial of the event you caused is not a valid response so you were issued 2 slays for second offense of RDM which you left after the first of the 2 and the second thing I would like to point out is never is it acceptable to insult players or staff no matter what and the third and last thing is if you kill on suspicion it is considered RDM and punished as such so I will be Denying this appeal I will permit you to respond to this before I lock it
  4. Fivecraft

    Fivecraft 'The sh*ttiest mod since Guilty' VIP

    As you have not posted I will assume you have nothing to say on this I will now lock this thread and have a wonderful day
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