Approved jonnyallen3's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by jonnyallen3, Dec 4, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
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    Why you should be unbanned:
    I got banned for "loopholing". I just got back and am like 2 games in. Give me a break. I'm not sure what it's for but I was talking to MachineKiller and he asked me some questions because of a report for killing an AFK Traitor. The reason I killed this AFK Traitor was because a Detective was killed and immediately ID'ed, and as soon as I rounded the corner the killer hopped over the edge and flee'd but the AFK Traitor was right there. AFK or not the T was Guilty by Association.

    Even so....... The most I would get for this is a slay right? Even if I did RDM, which I didn't, how is that upgraded to loopholing and a 12 week ban? 12 weeks? 3 months??? For an RDM that was proven to be a legit kill on a traitor?? Why does this staff hate me so much? The last thing I did was donate $200 to these servers in a giveaway for someone else. Yet these people hate me so much.. Why...
    Evidence of Innocence:
    "Guilt by Association: This rule is the act of being near a player that is committing traitorous acts at that moment and doing nothing to stop them. Note, however, that it is not guilty by association if you are standing near a KoS'ed player, unless they are committing a traitorous act."

    Pulled this straight out of the rules. The AFK T was right next to a Detective getting killed and did nothing. That is GBA, therefore KOSable/killable.

    Defined as the exploitation of our rules and how they are written to avoid punishment or promote toxic gameplay, this is a completely discretionary offense and relies on the authority of an admin+. The punishment for loopholing could be an extra slay, or 4 week ban depending on any given situation."

    Please note that I got a 12 week ban too, not just a 4 week.

    I never exploited any type of rules. I followed the rules right down to the teeth as stated above. I never promoted any toxic behavior or gameplay.

    I think I've proven enough. Please unban me and I would like an apology from Machinekiller for an excessive and unnecessary ban.​
  2. NinjaDragon48

    NinjaDragon48 Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul VIP Emerald

    You were banned for Loopholing + History by @Machinekiller00 Please be patient.
  3. Please tell me why he can just ban me for 12 weeks without even hearing me out or actually finding any proof. This is kinda ridiculous.. If he bans someone so abruptly and excessively he should be here to respond to an appeal like now. Or at least PM me and explain because this is crazy ridiculous.
  4. King_of_Assassins

    King_of_Assassins VIP Emerald

    I'm just going to say this now if a person is afk and you kill them for any reason before overtime, AND you make up an excuse is loop holing, as in a way that an afk person can't be "GBA'D" because they are away from the computer. If you said you rdmd him you would have been slain but since you said you killed him for gba and he was afk it is considered loop holing. Hope I helped :)
  5. But the rules clearly state if someone is near someone who commits a traitorous act, and does nothing to stop said person, that is GBA. Even if the person who is near said person is AFK, it is still GBA. Who knows, maybe the AFK person could have been FAKING being AFK just to draw away any suspicion? If you're gonna make a rule about GBA, don't ban people who follow the rule to kill someone. The rule does not state that AFK's are exempt from GBA, probably for the reason I stated above.
  6. The thing I don't understand..... MachineKiller put a slay on me for it. Then after I thoroughly explained the situation, he removed the slay. Only to ban me for 12 weeks the next round. If someone is going to ban someone, then do it fast. If you banned me 15 minutes after the fact I could have saved and uploaded my proof.
  7. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    So I'll go into full detail on my thought process on the whole situation, and why I came to the conclusion that I did.

    We were both playing on assault, and I saw a report against you. I checked out the report and this is what I was given.


    Judging off that response I was confused personally. I wasn't sure if you meant he was gba because of an unid body, or if he was gba because of someone committing a T act so the natural thing to do was to ask what happened.

    I had tried to contact you multiple times to get a response from you clarifying what happened. But you didn't respond to me at all on either pm's that I sent to you. My initial thought was maybe he was afk? but you were in game playing the rounds so I knew you weren't. I then assumed you were dodging my questions so that became fishy to me.

    Here are the chat logs of me trying to ask you questions.

    At this point in time I thought to myself that you are trying to avoid a slay because you wouldn't tell me what happened so I gave you a slay. Which you then questioned to me why I gave you a slay. You said in voice chat to me that you killed him for gba because of the dead detective body. To which I explained to you that it's not gba if a dead detective body is next to a player. So in my mind I was like alright this is worthy of a slay since it can't be gba for being next to a dead identified body. Then you said he was killed recently so it is gba that he is next to the dead body. Then I thought to myself that alright well you said next to a dead detective body, and then you said that he was killed recently so it has to be gba. The way gba works is that you have to see two players, one who commits a traitorous and the other who witnesses said player doing the traitor act, and not acting upon it. Even if they were afk like in this situation it doesn't exclude them from being gba. Since you told me that the dead detective was killed recently so it was gba. I thought that you were trying to use the detective being dead, and killed recently as an excuse to kill for gba. You never said to me that you witnessed the player stand there while someone killed the detective and run away. So I ran it by a few other admins to get their opinions and they agreed that it wasn't okay. So I went ahead and after waiting it out for a bit I gave you the ban for loopholing. Because I thought you were trying to use a dead body that died recently as an excuse for gba when you never witnessed anything occur

    Little did I know that this wasn't exactly the case. Reading your appeal I soon come to realize what exactly you were trying to say to me. You were saying that a player killed the detective, ran away, and then the afk player did not fire back on that traitor so he must be a T. You used gba to kill him and in this situation you are in the right, and you can kill him for that. You didn't mention that to me that you saw him not act on a a player committing a traitorous act. You only said to me that the detective was recently killed so it has to be gba. I misunderstood what you said and I was wrong in giving the ban. The ban on you is not a correct one that you deserve so now that I know more about the entire situation I can clearly see that you were following the rules correctly, and you weren't trying to use another rule to lie out of a slay. So because of this I will unban you.

    In the future I hope that you could explain and read any staff members private messages. Choosing to ignore it is not a good idea because it leaves us confused about many situations. Also please try to be more clear and explain everything that happened. Don't leave out things because it then leads to false slays and bans. I have nothing against you personally and if I'm being honest. Despite your history, when you were on my server I didn't see you acting toxic or anything of that matter. I hope you don't feel that this was a personal attack from the staff team because it wasn't. It was a slight misunderstanding, and lack of communication that lead to this. Also, on a final note the reason why the ban length was so long was because of your history on our servers for having different loopholing, and harassment global bans. So the appropriate thing to do was for me to give you an extended ban so that you could learn your lesson. Obviously there's no lesson to learn because the ban isn't justified. I'll own up to my mistake on this ban and I will say to you that I am sorry for banning you for something you shouldn't have been banned for. Just next time try to explain everything a bit more so that things like this don't happen again.

    We talked about this more in private so I hope we can be on good terms. Once again I apologize if you feel attacked, and for giving you the wrong punishment you don't deserve.

    Appeal: Accepted
    Ban: Voided
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