Answered Is this still valid?

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by iii, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. iii

    iii eye-eye-eye or triple eye is fine VIP

    Is this still a valid reason to kill? It was a common sense kill based on the detective radar and the direction of the shots, a possible traitor being disguised in the area was just viewed as a case of the traitor tricking the innocents and was fair play.
    This isn't a rule anymore, it seems, it became relevant because I killed someone using it.
  2. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    This is still indeed the case, providing it is of course impossible it was anyone else without a disguiser (no teleports in/out the area etc).

    This falls under common sense, hence there must be no other possibilities.