Is this RDM?

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Loofa, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. Loofa

    Loofa Member

    I am aware there are multiple discussions about this, but let me just input my 2 cents.

    I am a detective on clue, on the last round, and I put a health station in the upstairs bathroom (having just defused 8 C4s in the bathroom with defusal kits with the 20 points I had from killing traitors, but that's beside the point). I see Person A and Person B in the room, and I decide to leave the bathroom to the main stairway to the lobby to see if one of them does anything. Later, Person A screams into the mic "It's...!" and his mic thing at the top left turns yellow. No body is identified. I rescan my radar, and now I only see 1 person in the room, having heard Person A die (including the yellow mic screen). Noone else had entered the bathroom. I then proceed to mow down person B as he is leaving the room.
    [He then proceeded to revenge RDM me and called me things like asshole, liar, ghoster, etc.]

    I feel like this is sufficient evidence for a KOS, but some people don't think so, and I was in fact slain later (which I have no qualms about). What is your guys' opinion? I could have bypassed all of this by just looking in the room, but then again he could have mowed me down as well before I got there.
  2. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Radar is solid evidence so it was not rdm

    Edit: because ther was only 1 radar dot, meaning the last remaining person besides you must be a traitor
  3. Imo that was absolutely sufficient proof to kill the guy. There was 2 people in a room. One of them screems "It's" *cut*
    One person is left in the room.
    Since you had a radar you could confirm this.
    Was he slain for the revenge RDM?
  4. Loofa

    Loofa Member

    He was in fact slain for the revenge RDM.
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    It's not RDM on your part. You were simply using common sense.
  6. Snak

    Snak Banned

    Actually if your wearing a desguiser, your blimp doe's not show up on radar.
  7. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    I was the one who slayed Loofa. I asked him to bring this up on the forums as his explanation was a bit jumbled, and he has explained the situation much better here. At first he was talking about killing the player because he heard a gun battle in a room, and when the shooting stooped he never saw a ID'd body notification. One player then walked out of the room (the player was a T) and Loofa killed that player. This was his original defense which I had slayed him for killing off suspicion. I told him he should have instead bypassed the traitor, looked in the room and found the unid'd body, then he could KOS that player. However, he later added onto it by adding that his radar had just refreshed, but he hadn't mentioned that he had his radar showing 2 people, then only 1 after the gun fight. Non the less I have put a note on his record that 1 slay does not count. Thanks for bringing this up on the forums Loofa.
  8. Loofa

    Loofa Member

    No problem / You're welcome Law the dinosaur! I love you!
  9. Linkthedinosaur

    Linkthedinosaur Self Proclaimed Master of the No Scope VIP

    Wait a minute?!? Law the dinos...

  10. Loofa

    Loofa Member

    HAAHAHAHA LINK I'm so sorry. I love you too.
  11. DeathShot

    DeathShot VIP

    I see no Random Dick Mashing in this scenario...
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Topic Locked.

    Issue Resolved.
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