Approved Indy226's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Indy226, Dec 16, 2019.

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  1. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:

    Why you should be unbanned:
    ^^Global ban for all servers ^^

    Alright so i should just get right off to the bat. I really didn't try to get banned but i am gonna admit i probably shouldn't have played while high. I am really remorsed and sorry for the inconvenience on vanilla. At annoying several players and creating a negative enviroment for many of the players. This is a big blunder that i shouldn't have done and I am really sorry for causing trouble for the admin and mod team as well as the players who were on Vanilla at the time and I am really, truly, honestly, actually sorry for what ive done on several occasions. I may be causing the mod team a headache but i am willing to change if given the oppurtunity to have a change. I am really sorry for this major inconvenience and hazardous playing style.

    Sorry truly
    - Indy226​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Jabba, Lordy, Fear​
  2. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

  3. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

  4. Fear☠

    Fear☠ The Dark Lord VIP

    Well hello there^^

    Thanks for taking the time to make the appeal. I have seen this and will answer after I get home from school tomorrow with evidence.

    Sincerly Fear.
  5. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    Heya, so Fear wanted to know if your ban should be a simple 8h Micspam ban or longer due to your history. I was the first to respond and I checked your recent bans. Just under two months ago, you were globally banned for five days due to "Spamming + Recent History of Trouble Making."

    Not a month later, I myself banned you again for Micspam, choosing a lenient approach and just gave you the standard eight hour ban.

    So when you got reported again for micspam, and looking over the video from the report, I decided you needed a longer ban. The five day global didn't reform you, so I decided we'd try two weeks this time.

    You say you want to change, and that's great to hear. But from where I stand, it just keeps happening. Anyway, that's my input on this appeal. I stand by my reasoning for the G&E.
  6. Fear☠

    Fear☠ The Dark Lord VIP

    I'm sorry this has taken so long, my parents got caught up in something, so I needed to prepare the dinner^^

    Jabba already posted the evidence from the forum report that led to your ban.

    I then asked if muffin had more evidence, which led to me getting a 36 min video.
    As Jabba stated your history is not looking good, when we are talking mic spam, so I choose to go to an admin with the intention of G&E.

    In the video the player is alt tabbing at times, which leads to sound missing and I have ofcourse not taken those part into account, since I can't be sure if it's mic spam or not.
    There's also times where you mic spam a little then stop and almost immediately go at it again, please watch like 5-10 sec after the mic spamming has stopped, if u wanna be sure that you have heard it all.
    10:30 (long one)

    Now I'm a genuine person and I trust what people say until they show me otherwise, but due to your history I can't get myself to completely remove it.

    The ban will be reduced to 1 week global ban with the intention of giving you a little time to cool off, then come back and show me that you have changed.
    If you choose to go back to your old ways and mic spam once again, there will be no leniency and it will be harsher than any of your previous mic spam bans.

    Edit: if you have any further questions, you can always send me a DM.

    Sincerly Fear.

    Appeal: Approved (Reduced to 1 week global)
    Ban: Not voided.
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