Approved Imanol arana's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Wii, Sep 17, 2018.

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  1. Wii

    Wii VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Because i had been given a ban from bubonic for leaving, i had no memory of the report meaning the report was made long after i had left i would have gladly stayed for my slay please and thank you.​
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Iuna

    Iuna Goodnight moon VIP

  3. Bubonic

    Bubonic Burning heretics since M31 VIP

    Good morning *Wii, I'm just now getting home from working a pretty long graveyard shift but I will handle this as soon as I wake up later today.

    Thank you for your patience,
  4. Bubonic

    Bubonic Burning heretics since M31 VIP

    Good Evening *Wii,

    I had banned you for leaving after
    report but looking back I did not manage to get a screenshot of the shotlogs. This is an error on my part and as such your appeal is Accepted and the ban is Voided. I am sorry for this mistake on my part and apologize for any time you may have lost on the servers due to it.
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