We all had them. What was yours like? Spoiler: Mine Mine was called "Agg." Aesthetically he was just a gecko with a zebra pattern. He had telekinesis.
I never really had imaginary friends. When I was around 6-7, I remember thinking about how I had always heard about kids having imaginary friends from like movies n shit, but I never had one. So in my dumb kid brain, I was thinking like, is it just something that some kids just have pop in and be like "hey, I exist* now." Or was it like, "I am bored and want some1 to play with, so I will just talk to myself and do things as if some1 else is here with me?" I am only child, so I pretty much grew up doing things always by myself and playing with toys just myself unless I was at my neighbors, but even then I never really thought of creating an imaginary friend? I still don't really understand it.
Mostly my schizophrenic ass talks to myself, but my extroverted self made friends. Never really made an imaginary one up. However I did have a ghost who was there for me. When I was in bed, there was a silhouette at my door constantly for about 3 years. I would talk to him sometimes, but they would just stand there until I fell asleep/woke up. First I pretended not to notice, but I slowly challenged it by talking to it. Always thought it was my dad for a good while, but to this day he swears he never did anything like that. My parents always said I talked in my sleep, so maybe this is some nightmare on elm street level shit.