[Idea] ttt_assault

Discussion in 'Maps' started by SonicUnleashedXY, Jul 11, 2015.


Do you want this to be included on the servers?

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  2. No

  1. [​IMG]
    I've updated this thread from a suggestion to an idea since sandbox maps can't be used in TTT & I lack experience using the Hammer editor. The poll reflects the old suggestion & is therefore inaccurate. You're free to used this idea in your maps.

    My idea was to improve cs_assault for TTT gameplay hence it being called ttt_assault. For example, adding traitor traps such as a moving train on the platform, improving the glitchy rooftop accessibility & making the windows clear on the warehouse which cover the streets below.

    The images taken in sandbox shows the glitchy rooftop being more accessible & prevents the players from getting behide the wall. However, you could use the Hammer editor to clean the area behide the wall & to make it fair along with additional props.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
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  2. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    Looks good to me +1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I feel like this map is taking away some of the fun aspects of the cs_assault we have today.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. ^It mainly to prevent fall damage, trolling & players being able to see through the wall but I can see you point. Also has anyone got the files to work in game yet? I'm check to see if the upload is working.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    I like it. It removes the spot that only players who are able to get up there tend to camp, and includes it as an easy to access tactical position that still remains strategical.
    There's really no point in keeping the old one as it's prone to camping, goomba stomping, and a plethora of other issues (none too serious though, but very much preventable).
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  6. Players are often vulnerable to frags thrown from multiple areas.
  7. Bacon Bombs

    Bacon Bombs Matthew 1:25 New Testament VIP Bronze

    +1 I would love a safe way to that spot
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  8. Yawn.

    Yawn. Previously known as Kindle, Books, Pages.

    We can't use this.

    No really, not being a dick but we physically can not. You added props to the map in Garry's Mod, not the official authoring tool Hammer within Source SDK. The file you uploaded is a .gms, which is a Garry's Mod Save file. The save file is not a map, in fact it doesn't contain any map data except the changes you made to the default map you used to make it. We need a .bsp (Binary Space Partition) to upload/actually use on our servers. BSP's being the actual map file that Hammer actually produces from a .vmf, the Valve Map File. The VMF acting as a save inside Hammer of the map, while the .BSP is an actual compile of the map that the game can read and understand.

    If you're interested in investing time into true game design/level design @SonicUnleashedXY, I may be of some assistance however. Having used Source SDK since I was eight, I can point you towards the resources/tutorials you would need and help with any questions you may have. But other than that, this thread should be closed until then.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. It seems @Yawn. is right that the .gms files will not load into TTT. I designed to map thinking that if weapons could be placed on the cs:s maps then why can't props. It seems the server or gamemode can't load the new props without it being compiled to .bsp as stated by said person.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  10. I have little experience with the Hammer editor & it would take me around a month to convert the map given I had time to learn the editor via the web. I've left note in the title & description to inform everyone about this but it is still idea worth suggesting so I won't lock it & request it not to be locked.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  11. Yawn.

    Yawn. Previously known as Kindle, Books, Pages.

    In TTT maps, the weapons aren't actually placed in the map unless done so via the Hammer editor. When you place down TTT weapons in Garry's Mod, it's actually just creating spawn points with the variables that you give it. I.e: When you select AK-47 and click a spot for it to spawn, it saves that position and the entity weapon_ak47 in a script which it runs through and spawns at the beginning of each round in TTT.

    That said, I would heavily not recommend this be one of your first maps to try as a level designer. Even after you've learned the ropes, there is no official clean copy of the cs_assault VMF from Valve. Meaning, any version of cs_assault you can plug into Hammer has been decompiled from the original map BSP. This leaves the entire map a complete and utter mess, absolutely filled with bugs you've never even heard of, and completely shot optimization-wise for low end PC's. Instead, try creating something from scratch that you can call your own! Who knows, maybe you'll be the creator of the next Dolls. That's just my personal recommendation however, do as you will.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  12. hankster112

    hankster112 Active Member

    You know...

    I have decent hammer experience, and I could easily make this happen. Using VMEX, I could decompile Assault, make the official change, and recompile it with the changes. Problem solved.
    This is actually a really simple fix. If anyone wants me to do it, I will.
  13. hankster112

    hankster112 Active Member

    I'd like admin approval before I do it, to be sure that the revised map would be added into the rotation and my time wouldn't be wasted.
  14. you could bump/make a new suggestion and if it gets enough support it would probably replace the current ttt_assault
  15. You're free to use this idea to improve on the current map. You can create a new thread & I'll will link this to there once you've told me.