Yo, here's a cool website. https://iwl.me/ Basically it compares you work to other very well known others. Doesn't matter if you're a writer or not, just type something in the box or copy and paste something you've written before. I think it's interesting, but I'm a writer. So that might just be me. But it's cool to see who you write like most, so you can then read that person's work. This is who I got. Author of the handmaid's tale.
I got Vladimir Nabokov Anne Rice Arthur Clarke Agatha Christie by sampling different sections of one piece of one of my works. I'm not sure this is all that accurate.
I put in 3 papers from the last year and got: Agatha Christie Arthur Clarke Anne Rice Seems like I am doomed to only get Authors who names start with A. (Although I'm pretty sure this website just rotates 5-6 authors names or everyone here has way too similar of writing styles)
lets be honest, you know damn well you don't write like this on a daily basis. BUT neither do most authors. I got Art Clarke, which people seem to also get quite a bit, which just shows my writing isn't anything special. (or this generator is limited) But I put in a very casual topic I did for music class my freshman year. (better represents how I actually write without looking up shit in the dictionary so my professor thinks I have a big dick. [lets be honest they all know I use a dictionary by how fucking stupid I am in any English class])
I mean besides on sgm and discord, anything I type in google docs is exactly how I type like I did in IWL. But ye I understand what you mean, anywhere else like on my phone or something I don't type the same.
I keep forgetting to do this but all my old work has been combed through with Grammarly cause I wanted gud grades