I need your ideas!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by achap1989, Nov 15, 2016.


What type of game mode would like to see?

  1. Role-playing

  2. Shooter

    0 vote(s)
  3. Survival

  4. Other

    0 vote(s)
  1. achap1989

    achap1989 Member

    Ok, I have been thinking and I think I would like to create a gamemode. So I thought I might take to my friends here at seriousgmod to see what kind of game modes YOU may enjoy seeing in the future. When the gamemode is finished I want it to be something that EVERYONE can enjoy.

    So tell me what kinds of game modes would you enjoy?

    My basic Idea is to write them down, and see what kinds of things we can come up with. This is just something I want to give a shot. There is no garuntee that anything will be released. (If no game mode ends up released but created the project will be put up as open source; this way everyone can learn from this experiance)
  2. Dolph1n

    Dolph1n Time is an adventure- if you know when to look. VIP

    This should probably go into the Development category.
  3. achap1989

    achap1989 Member

    I don't know because It is not in development yet, technically. I was not 100% sure, so I figured this would be the better place until development started.