I like how Asty tried to save his own ass.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Rosko., Aug 25, 2013.

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  1. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    Asty clearly said when he was dead how annoying Derpy was and called him out. But he even apologized to me how he had to slay me a while after I killed Derpy just to save himself.

    It was funny because even Sam was a dick to Derpy. Lel.
  2. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    For your info. I said you know what i gotta do. In a sarcastic voice. Im not trying to save my ass at all. And i said i said that it was annoying cause he was spamming admin chat.
  3. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    You wouldn't have slain me if he didn't report you.

    For shizzle my nizzle, "I used a sarcastic voice" Well, I used a sarcastic chat when I was fucking about..

    See how that argument is retarded?

  4. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    I slayed you before he reported me. You said there was kos on him. So i was like okay, then Derpy told me that the KOS was from Pre gam when we were messing around.
  5. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    No, you said you "didn't care if you got reported" after he threatened you, that was before I was slayed.
  6. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Ya i honestly dont? You got banned for harassment. Not for anything else. So im not arguing about the slay.
  7. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    Because you know you're wrong.

    Then ban Sam for doing the same thing.
  8. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Sam can defend his side. Im saying mine.
  9. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    Then let Sam explain his side, I'll be here waiting. I'll give a few pointers, it may not have been to the extent to me - But it's still classified as harassment and he's a mod and thus should be held to a higher standard.

    Derpy was annoying the whole server.
  10. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member


    Chat spamming & Harrasment

    1st time - Mute, Warn, Unmute

    Also before Asty deleted it:

    He said "even Derpy was annoying me and sam" - that was a second ago.
  11. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    in admin chat when he was saying stuff every 10 seconds.
  12. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    Yeah, that - sorry, when I screenshotted it, wasn't pasted in paint.
  13. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP


    I didnt ban you
  14. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    This whole situation is fucking stupid.
  15. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    The whole server was annoyed by Derpy, including Asty.
    Sam fucked with Derpy.
    Asty called out Derpy.
    I killed Derpy.
    I messaged Derpy for the lulz.
    Asty gets threatened to be reported.
    He says he doesn't care.
    Slays me minutes later.
    Now this.
  16. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Slayed you cause you deserved it since i found out it was the kos in pregame. We are going in circles
  17. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    You're the one who said the KOS on Derpy though
  18. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Keyword "Pregame" Me and Derpy were joking
  19. Derpy

    Derpy Active Member

    I love you typing in @ chat is the whole server
  20. Rosko.

    Rosko. Member

    The whole server was annoyed by you, but you're too god damn oblivious to notice that..
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