Denied Hunter Zolomon's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Hunter Zolomon, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Hunter Zolomon
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I've learned my lesson. This ban was awhile ago, but I believe it happened when I shot an explosive barrel and it RDM'd several people. It was an immature thing to do. The ban was for RDM and leave but I cannot remember the circumstances of me leaving. I've never knowingly disconnected after RDM.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I was guilty, I'm just making this appeal to humbly ask to be unbanned. I only have 5 days left of the ban on West, but it would be cool to be able to play there sooner. I waited awhile to make this appeal because I knew I was guilty and didn't think an appeal had much of a chance.

    Thank you.​


    You were banned by @Alice Lumenia for Mass RDM and Leave ( 3rd ). Please be patient till they respond.
  3. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Good evenin' Zolomon. So, here's the deal.


    The ban was actually over this bit of damage here. You can probably tell for yourself, but "bit" in that case was kind of an understatement. You threw the grenade without warning, presumably without a valid reason (I think you mentioned a misclick?) and took your leave or otherwise disconnected before I had the chance to actually issue the mass RDM ban. And with that, it became RDM and Leave, and being your third offense, the ban was four weeks in length. Anyway, as you said, the ban is just about over and you will be asked to serve it until the end. This appeal will be denied and locked. Have a good day.
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