Hunger Games Simulation. ( 19k points will be given to the winner of the game. To enter reply with the name you would like and an imgur link for the photo you would like to have. 24 people can enter and it is first come first serve? Sign ups are OVER When the game starts, I will post the events daily. Whoever wins gets the points ezpz. Current tributes: 1. Sticky Bandit 2. Espurr 3. 8BitFox 4.Takagi-San 5. Saturnity 6. Finn 7. MetalCrysis 8. Nigga 9. Zuko 10. Death 11. Danstorm 12. Andy 13. Racoon 14. Cereal Killer 15. Uglubåthr Kætilbiørnson 16. Jabba The Slut 17. ThatAintFalco 18. Reimu 19. NotATraitor 20. Drunk Dog 21. Memelord 22. Fiz 23. Penguin 24 Floof
danstorm Spoiler Because the last time I played it went so well, I ended up killing my teammate on my first day xd Sorry @Death